Arthur Pendragon

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"My dearest love," Guinevere turned in her seat and saw her husband approach from behind where she sat warming herself by the fire.

"Arthur," she replied, standing to face him. He had been in meetings since dawn and she had not seen him yet today.

He took her hand and kissed it, and she gazed up into his face. It was warm and open, blue eyes and the long distinctive roman nose. The High King was handsome, no doubt, but it was really his good heart and charming ways that were his biggest pull. Guinevere lifted her hand to his cheek. He had shaven his dark hair close to his scalp last autumn and Guinevere had teased him that it was because of his whitening hair. He had laughed good-naturedly and protested that it was nicer to wear a helmet this way.

"Oh Guin, how are you today?" he said, looking at her earnestly.

She looked down. "I'm fine," she said quietly.

He brought her hand to his lips again and kissed it three more times. "Good, I've been concerned for you.

"Thank you, Husband. One might think me accustomed to this by now," she said, the bitterness creeping back into her voice.

"Oh, my darling, we will lie together again soon, I promise. I am just so occupied at this moment with all these meetings," he said, "but I will come to you."

Guin felt a stab to her heart. She had made a very important decision earlier that day to leave him. It was a decision she had not been able to consider before because of Arthur's unbearable faithfulness. But she knew now she didn't want him to come to her anymore. No matter how sweet his intention, no matter how dear he was to her. She let out her torment through a long controlled breath.

You are doing this for him too. He is fond of me, yes, but he can love another. He has stuck by you, yes, but that is because he is a man of great honor. You were given to him as part of a deal. And deep down he longs for what you cannot provide him with.

"What are all these meetings, anyway?" said Guinevere, not meeting his eyes.

"Oh, I have been planning something...." Arthur trailed off.

"Well, what?" she said, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Oh, I will reveal all to you soon, Guin," he said, placing his hand to her face.

She frowned. He did not usually withhold his stately affairs from her.

"Do you not tr-" she cut herself off. She did not deserve his trust. She shouldn't ask for it. "Oh, never mind, darling."

They were silent for a moment, and the heat from the fire beat against them.

"There will be a supper tonight," said Arthur.

Guinevere felt her heart flutter little. "And who will be attending?"

"All of Court," he said, taking a sip from his goblet, and then pressing it against Guinevere's pink lips.

She tipped her neck back gently and allowed him to pour it into her mouth. "And what's the occasion?" she asked, once she had swallowed.

"Well, no occasion, really, other than all my knights have returned to court..." he said.

Guinevere's face broke into a smile. She caught herself but it was too late. She saw a knowingness flicker across his face.

"I shall see you in the hall," he said, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. "I'm glad you are feeling better, lady."

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