12. Mr.Sandman

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We rushed to (Y/N)'s mom's apartment as soon as we could after she got a message from her mom. I felt like I was starting to worry for her mom as much as her because seeing (Y/N) in such state was a torture for me and I wanted to help her as much as I could, what meant that helping her mom at first would be the best way.

At the same time, I was slightly worried about meeting her mom for the first time. Yes, (Y/N) and I weren't dating and she said, that her mom dissociates a lot so she might not even remember me, but a part of me was still cliché-like worried and told me, that I needed to make a good impression until my brain reminded me about the reason, why we are going to her.

"It's here..." (Y/N) told me once we were standing in front of the apartment's door

I didn't tell that to (Y/N), but to be honest, at first, I thought, that all this could just turn out to be her mother's mind, playing games with her because it could be like this, but the closer we got to the door, the louder some angry shouts and cries became.

"Let me in first." I said "Because if he's in an uncomfortable, drunk or whatever else state, you won't be able to stop him and he might only hurt you."

She only nodded in response and I could notice the slight trembling in her shoulders as she was probably about to break down anytime, what was understandable.

She took out the keys out of her bag and opened the door, letting me in first

Quickly, but quietly, I entered the apartment and right from the corridor, I could already see a tall figure of a man in a dark suit, standing in front of the woman, who was on her knees on the floor in an attempt to crawl away from him. He froze, when he heard my steps, with his fist, still hovering above (Y/N)'s mom's head. (Y/N) herself was following me behind my back as I told her.

"I strongly suggest you to leave this woman alone now." I said, frowning at him slightly

He turned around, lowering his fist as an ugly grin distorted his face and a devilish spark appeared in his eyes. I barely knew this man for a minute, but he was already associating with the toad to me.

"My, my~" He said in a disgustingly sweet voice "(Y/N), who's this? You brought a guardian, huh?"

I took out my ADA license (which I luckily took with me that day) and showed it to him.

"My name is Dazai Osamu. I'm a member of the Armed Detective Agency and yes, I am her guardian, who has all the rights to arrest you now for giving this woman heavy injuries." I introduced myself, still keeping a calm, yet cold attitude

In the corner of the eye, I noticed how the woman was watching closely at my every move, but a small spark of hope could be seen in her eyes. She knew, that I wouldn't let that man harm anyone in the room again.

After all, I was called the demon prodigy for a reason.

The man's face became slightly more worried once I mentioned, the real possibility of his arrest.

"Look, I don't know about you or whatever Agency you are from, but it's just a family business." He said "I don't want to make you leave forcefully. It's only between this whore and my daughter, if this is actually my daughter."

(Y/N)'s mom started crying again, although her eyes haven't even dried from the previous tears

"I don't want to use force too, but you seem to want me to." I told him

He hid his arms in the pockets of his pants and walked closer to me, obviously trying to scare me with his taller height and grin as if I didn't see much worse opponents, than him.

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