Chapter 4

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Picking Michael out of the group and pulling him to the side she spoke quietly to him. "Michael, I send you for one and you bring back four, not that it's bad other people are still uninfected and out here but where did you get those three?" She gestured to the two men who sat at the table eating her lunch and the woman talking with the other woman.

"It just happened that way." He replied simply before claiming a seat in the white chair behind the desk, his arms akimbo as he stared at his ward.

"Listen, Mister, thank you so much for helping us, things could have gotten worse if you hadn't stepped in." The thin brunette he came in with leaned against the desk smiling as she spoke. "If there's anything and I mean anything that I could do to repay you please don't hesitate to let me know."

Mary watched in disgust as the woman winked at Michael before licking her lips seductively. "Don't thank me, Mary is the one that wanted to save you after hearing you scream. I wanted to let nature take it's course but she insisted on helping." Michael replied blankly, unfazed by her seduction as he gestured with his chin toward the silent woman.

All eyes turned to Mary who still stood by the wall after speaking to Michael.

"I completely forgot about her!" A man with close cut blonde hair and brown eyes spoke up mid-chew.

"Hello pretty lady, I'm Jonas and this is my brother, Tolie." The darker blonde male that sat across from the blonde spoke up.

"My name is Tolan, but you can call me, Tolie." The blonde man winked.

"I'm Regina." An African-American woman a few shades darker than Mary smiled briefly as she waved.

"I'm Linda, but you can call me baby or darling, whichever you prefer." The thin brunette in short shorts, spoke to Michael.

"That would be my ex-girlfriend, she hits on anything with a pulse. I tried to ditch her but she kept finding us, like a hungry bear." Jonas rolled his eyes.

"Don't you think that's too harsh of an insult-" Mary began.

"Exactly, see, whatever her name is agrees-" Linda started.

"To the bear." Mary finished before making her way over to where Michael and Linda were, coming to a stop beside Michael.

"Is there something wrong?" He looked up at Mary trying to read her expression.

"I thank you for helping me out but I think I'll be better off going on my own." She held her hands out expectantly. "Give me my guns."

"I told you, I am here to guide and protect you. You go nowhere without me." He stood causing her gaze to rise as he did.

"Fine keep them, I'll find another set along the way." She turned from him and quickly made her way toward the door.

"You will stay here under my protection as I was sent here to do!" Michael insisted as he followed behind and grabbed her arm.

"I have somewhere to be, I don't have time to play with you, let me go, I've already wasted time here." She tugged at her arm in his grasp.

"And what am I to do with all these people?" He gestured with his free hand to the four strangers watching them.

"You're an angel right? Think, what Jesus would do?" Mary yanked her hand from his grip and headed out of the room.

Mary made it four steps out of the room door before Michael grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. "You are my responsibility, and you will do as I say." He spoke calmly as he entered the room and threw Mary down on the large bed.

"We're wasting time in this place, I could have been so much closer to the church!" Mary struggled against Michael as he held her down on the bed.

Releasing her arms, he grabbed her jaw with one hand and held her nose shut with the other. "You will rest, tomorrow we will leave. Stay still this won't hurt a bit." With that said Michael leaned in and pressed his lips to hers momentarily shocking her.

Within seconds Mary began to fight him off, her lungs were demanding air as she suddenly felt a cool liquid slide passed her lips and pool in her throat waiting to be swallowed. Her eyes widened at the strange liquid that came from Michael as he replaced his lips with his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing to her!" Jonas shouted along with his brother as Mary stared at Michael refusing to swallow.

"Swallow it!" Michael hissed roughly as the guys tried to pull him away from her. "Swallow."

After she couldn't handle it anymore, Mary swallowed the liquid and was immediately released. Michael gathered her in his arms and took a seat on the bed after pushing the guys away from them. She began to go weak as she regained her breathing and curled up in his lap.

"What did you give me?" She slurred with her head laid against his chest.

"A sedative to help you sleep. We leave tomorrow and I want you well rested. The sun will be rising in a few hours so rest. Don't fight the sedative." Within seconds of him speaking, Mary was asleep.

Michael laid her down on the bed before removing her weapons and boots. Once he laid her belongings on the nightstand and floor, Michael turned to the silent group in the room. They looked at each other then past him at the now sleeping woman on the bed.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Michael the archangel of heaven. I was sent here to protect and guide Mary to a certain destination where we will receive further instruction on how to cure the earth of this plague you call zombie. You are welcome to join us but know my prime objective is Mary's safety. If you manage to be a part of her endangerment I will not hesitate to kill or leave you." He spoke sternly before turning back to Mary and tucking her in.

"You're not really an angel are you? I mean you have no wings." Tolan scoffed.

"They were burned when I fell to earth." Michael replied.

"You don't seem to be in pain, you're leaning against the headboard." Regina pointed out.

"Mary and I took care of my wounds, and as an angel I do not dwell on the pain but the fact that they had to burn in order for me to be here and protect her." He sat at the foot of the bed.

"Will they grow back?" Linda asked curiously.

"I don't know, now I have places to go in the morning, you too if you decided to join us, so I suggest you find a room and sleep there, two to a room. Goodnight." Michael concluded sitting above the covers next on the empty side of the bed.

Crossing his arms over his chest and laying his legs out in front of him. With a few mumbles here and there everyone cleared out, finding their own room. Looking over at the sleeping woman beside him he contemplated the new feeling of attraction. He liked it, it was an interesting thing to feel.

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