Chapter 3

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She finally got a glimpse of his back saw two large gashes, one on each of his shoulder blades. In the tub was a red substance that stained parts of the floor and tub. With a sigh Mary grabbed the items off the counter and stepped in to the tub to get a good look at the injury.

"What happened to you?" She spoke lowly as she eyed the still bleeding wounds.

The flesh around the wound was blistered and swollen. "My wings burned when I came to earth." The man replied with a heavy sigh.

Great, I was possibly saved or kidnapped by a madman. Whatever it was she planned to thank him for getting her away from those creatures before she headed on her own way. Within minutes his wounds were cleaned and bandaged. Leaning one hand on the uninjured part of his shoulder she lifted the skirt of her dress with the other to safely step out of the tub.

"Now I'd like some answers. Who are you, where are my clothes, and how did you know I was in the trunk of the car?" Mary stood before him with my arms crossed.

He sat up straight and ran a hand through his hair, giving me a better view of his face. This man was handsome. He was perfect, almost too perfect. He was beautiful yet obviously manly. It was almost like a barbarian and some beautifully unnatural force gave birth to him. 

"My name is Michael. I threw your clothes away, they were dirty. You left a trail of blood on your way to and in the car." He replied in order.

"Okay then Michael, thank you for saving or kidnapping me from dying in a trunk alone but I think it's time I move on. I have somewhere to be, so again, thank you." She bowed her head slightly before turning and leaving the bathroom.

She grabbed the robe off the back of the door before closing it. She put it on as she walked over to the closet to see if there were any clothes inside it.


Not even a pair of socks remained. With a sigh Mary walked over to the window where the table and tray sat, trying to figure out how far her destination was from here.

After a few moments she concluded that they were in a hotel about ten blocks away from where she passed out.


Lifting the cover off the tray Mary found a bowl of cut up melons and and grapes along with a smaller bowl with cubes of cheese and cup of hot chocolate.

"That is for you, eat." Michael came out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. "I'm going to get some clothes for us. Stay here."

"Wait, I'll go with you. You don't know my sizes." She set the cover down and made my way toward the door.

"I already know your size. In clothing you're a fourteen and in shoes you're a ten, depending on the cut. You're a borderline d cup and in underwear you should be a seven." He stared straight at her gauging her reaction.

It was quite obvious now that she was embarrassed by him knowing her sizes. She had all her weight evened out in her height of five- five. Mary cleared her throat before squaring her shoulders and starring Michael down.

"I'll be going with you anyway. Where are my boots?" She looked around trying to find them.

"Stay here." He replied sternly.

"Now that I think about it, where are my weapons, Michael?" Mary stopped spinning around and stared at the large man that looked like he could easily snap her neck.

"I have them in my care, so you will stay here and be a good girl until I get back." He spoke a like a stern father giving me one last look before leaving the room in just a towel and the hotel slippers.

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