chapter seventeen

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21:32 p.m

I stay at Hansol's place until the sky grows darker and the sunset gradually falls behind the horizon. A mob of people that were invited filled the pool's area non-stop, cheering up and applauding for the happening, energetic night. I try to look as sociable as possible around the guests as I keep on returning awkward smiles as I shuffle past them.

Approaching the food table along the pool, I grab a bottle of beer to pour them in a cup and started to sip the liquid down my throat— this time it was my fourth time refilling the drinks. The warm sensation of the night suddenly makes me thirsty, while on my another hand I hold up a plate to replace the grilled meats onto it. Stuffing the meats into my mouth delightfully, I watch Hansol walk back and forth while sending a friendly greet to his guests.

I stop chewing the food inside my mouth instantly, noticing Wonwoo appears out of nowhere— he didn't show up alone as he brought a guy friend along with him. Those two exchanges their handshakes with Hansol coolly, and letting Hansol wraps his arms around Wonwoo and his unfamiliar, giant friend's shoulders. Soon when Hansol tells them to have a fun night, I nervously try to hide myself from Wonwoo in between the people I unfortunately I failed.

Wonwoo swiftly strides to where I was standing, as I'm pretending to refill up my cup with the drinks again— that moment I couldn't hide myself from him any longer, I'm just waiting what exactly he needs to say once he emerges oppositely, "What are you even doing here, Eunjae? It's getting late now, you shouldn't hang around in this party at this hour", says Wonwoo.

Just before I could return the answer to him, my body was startled slightly as Seungcheol appears besides me, his arm steadily wraps around my shoulder. I heard the snort that was coming from Seungcheol's nose before he responds to Wonwoo, "She will be having more fun here, Wonwoo", he pauses in between the sentence, "with me, I'll send her home after the party so don't worry!"

"Who says I'm worried? I know she's a first timer here, so I just wanna remind that don't stay here for too long", Wonwoo retorts before giving the last glare to Seungcheol— he seems annoyed but tries as hard as he can to remain chill. "Make sure to send her home safely, Scoups hyung".

Seungcheol escapes a soothing chuckle from his mouth and caresses me by my shoulder with his palm, "Yeah, of course I will, just consider Eunjae as a girl who needs some fun, she's not a maid when she's out of your home, alright?". Seungcheol sends a wink and turns to me.

I turn my head to see those expressions from Seungcheol— he raises his eyebrow playfully while staring at me. When I turn to face Wonwoo again, I can hear some random words that come out from his mouth— he cooes sarcastically, "Whatever floats your boat (whatever makes you happy)". However I apologise to Wonwoo before Seungcheol could drag me away from that place.


After feeding some food to my growling stomach, Hansol ushers some of his close friends to play some fun games at his garden. At first, I refused to follow Seungcheol but he insists me to join them along to play so there I am. Hansol and some of his other mates set up a small campfire in the center of our ring, letting all of us feel relax while enjoying the warmth from the fire.

I sit next to Seungcheol— he is on my right side while on my left there is a girl who known as Minghao's girlfriend. I've never met some of the guys in the circle but after the introduction was made, I eventually manage to remember each of them by their names. The tall who happened to arrive with Wonwoo, he is called 'Kim Mingyu' while the others are Soonyoung, Junhui, Minghao, Seungkwan, Dokyeom and Woozi.

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