chapter six

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day 10

Just before the lunch time, I bumped into Jeonghan-sunbaenim outside of the library as I'm done with my revision. He patted me from behind as I was walking out whilst a sweet smile escaped from his feminine facial expression. This time I could see his face more clearer— he has an oval face, plumpy, red lips as if he applied a chapstick on it and clear skin, almost as clear as a beautiful woman would does.

I walk with him the whole time as we're heading to cafeteria to have our lunch. Jeonghan seems like a friendly person though— he never stopped asking me tons of questions such as where do I live, which high school I was from, do I have a boyfriend.

He did as well complimented me as one of the cutest juniors he has ever met. Jeonghan-sunbaenim also said that I was brave enough to sit with him in the library. Never experienced during his university's life where any random girl would ask, 'hey, is this seat taken?' or 'hey, can i sit with you?'. It was just me I guess, because I was too persistent with comfortable spot for my studies.

About him asking me whether I'm taken or not— he wasn't trying to flirt with me or anything, instead he kept saying things like, "You're such a young, pretty girl so be careful when a boy tries to catch up with you. They might mistreat you like a toy". That kind of things scare me especially when a person has already warned to prevent myself from dating someone.

After I had so much fun chatting with Jeonghan, we eventually exchange our numbers. He said he will give me a call whenever he gets bored on weekend or he'll ask me out to do fun things like shopping, watch a movie or play something silly in the arcade?

Overall, I'm feeling so lighthearted and greatful to meet a senior which is as gentle as Jeonghan. I barely interact with guy friends and of course Jeonghan was indeed different. He wasn't just a normal senior with opposite gender, but I feel like he could be both genders. He could understand women's feelings, be a cool listener and motivate me to be a better creature.

I hope Jeonghan will never have another intention other than just becoming a friend to me. And I believe in him, I do.


17:35 p.m

"Hey Eunjae, are you done with your work yet?", Wonwoo asks, peeking his head from the living room as he's waiting for my meals to be done. "Wait a minute, I gotta serve the meals first", I yell from afar, hoping he could wait and be patient with me slightly.

"What takes you so long to cook? I only asked you to make ramyun not jjajamyun or something", he whines and heaving out a sigh out of his mouth. Finally, I trudge myself into where he was, with a bowl filled of boiling ramyun in it. I replace them nicely on the coffee table, expecting a reaction from him.

He remains his eyes on mine as soon as he lifts up his head, a cocky grin escapes, “Thank you, you're surely know how to make my stomach happy”, he speaks, beginning to grip chopsticks in his hands. I mumble 'your welcome' slowly as he starts to chomp hungrily.

Slaid / 𝙟𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙬𝙤𝙤 [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now