16 Months That Go By

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 This chapter is written in Elsa's point of view.


A week after I drove Jack away. Life has returned to normal and I go through my royal duties. Going through applications concerning different types of things. I watch out of my window and see how Anna is giggling with Kristoff. They are playing with fallen leaves. I smile when Kristoff grabs Anna from waist and they fall down to pile of leaves. Anna’s hair has some orange and red maple leaves sticking out. Kristoff picks them out one by one. I turn back to look at my papers when I see how Kristoff’s reindeer Sven pushes Anna and Kristoff closer. Barely I managed to get my eyes out of them before they started kissing. I am happy for Anna.


“Elsa!” Anna came in my bedroom screaming of excitement. ”Look! Look!” She was half giggling and half squealing while she lifted her left hand close to my eyes. “What?” I laughed, “I can’t see when your hand is so close to my eyes.” She cleared her throat, ”Oh yeah, hehe!” Slowly she made some distance between her hand and my eyes.

I saw a red gold ring that had a single diamond on it. Wait, she never had a ring like that. I look closer and see it in her ring finger. “ARE you two engaged?” I squeal to her and she keeps nodding her head up and down with brightest smile you could ever imagine. “Yes! He just proposed!” We both were smiling when she took my hands in hers, ”Will you be maid in honor? Please, Elsa?”

At first I hesitated but then I said yes and she was screaming and jumping. “I am so happy Elsie!” She gave me a hug and I pet her back. “I can see that Anna, so am I.” However something was twisting my insides just now and I sniffed. Immediately Anna backed down and stared at me, “Is something wrong Elsa?” She sounded worried.

“No, Anna. Everything is perfect.” I smiled to her widely and pinched her cheek. She smiled back to me and was talking about her wedding arrangements. She wanted to get married on Christmas Eve. After she left I throw myself at the bed and I feel exhausted. I hear as there is raining outside, raindrops are hitting my window but even the calm rain doesn’t ease my feeling. I should be happy for her but I feel miserable. Am I too selfish?


My maid is cleaning my room. ”Miss, you should really open the curtains and let the light in. Winter is coming and you should really enjoy the days before they get darker,” she said while she pulled the curtains open and let the light in. “I am sorry Maria but I don’t really feel like watching the sun or the outside at the moment.” I pulled the curtains to cover my window again.

“Whatever you say, your majesty,” She nodded to me and continued her cleaning. Actually I couldn’t watch outside since it gave direct view to castle’s garden where Anna and Kristoff usually spend time. I felt like I would be spying on them if I would see them. Also somehow happiness makes me feel unhappy. So if I don’t see them, maybe I won’t feel unhappy and insult them. I really don’t know.

Anna came to my room and showed me some options that she considered for the wedding. All the invitations had been sent and most of the wedding had been planned. Finally she left after she decided to have red roses on their wedding. Their theme was red and gold, I should wear a red velvet dress. From the same door opening came the seamstress to take my measurements. “Thank you, your highness,” she kindly said while leaving my room. The silence after that was something hard to tolerate. There was no one to mock me or annoy me with comments.


The day when Anna marries Kristoff. I tie my hair to tight knot over my head, just like at my coronation day. I let my maid to help me get dressed to an a-line red velvet dress. I tell her to leave and I pull gloves to cover my hands. Before admitting to ceremony I practice my happy smile in front of the mirror. “Be happy, it is her day,” I tell myself and force a smile few times. “Now I got it!” I find a smile that doesn’t seem to awkward even though my own insecurities make me impossible to feel true happiness at the moment.

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