20 My Moon, My Star

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Pov Jack

Today is the day. She will be married and my insides are feeling crushed. Tooth is tying my tie and I look my reflection at the mirror. Black suit and white dress shirt. “You sure about this Jack?” Tooth whispers and I nod, ”The suit is alright.” No! Not about the suit but about you. Will you be alright?”

I watch at Tooth’s eyes. “What do you mean?” She laughs nervously and smiles sadly, “It is a wedding but you’re like going to a funeral. Isn’t it time to admit?” Her words hit my heart like daggers but why? My hand went through my hair and I sneered. Why it hurts so much to think of Elsa and her wedding all the time?

“You love her Jack, don’t you?” Tooth touches my shoulder and I flicker. Love? Do I love her?

”Just think it Jack, how do you feel around her?” I laugh to Tooth’s question as I remember how happy Elsa’s presence makes me. How I feel miserable when she is unhappy, when her laughter brings me joy and warm feeling inside. And when she gets annoyed to me and avenges it by tickling me, this thought caused a bubbling feeling inside of me. Are these the butterflies I’ve heard little girl’s talking about when I go and bring fun to children? When they talk about boys who they like. Elsa, Elsa. Elsa. Her name rings in my head and I start to smile.

“Now you realize it?” I glance now to Tooth who is watching me with brightest smile you could ever imagine. I simply nod at her. “Yeah, she is all that is on my mind. By day or night,” quickly Tooth hugs me and squeals. ”This is wonderful Jack!” I chuckle to her reaction but then I feel shocked and my feet gave in. I fell to ground and Tooth was flying in the air. “Jack?” She sounded worried.

“She is marrying someone,” I exhale. Tooth shows compassion in her smile, ”Yes Jack. You should confess to her. Maybe she feels the same?” My heart was making me feel sick inside, it hurts so much to think that I am losing her. “You sure Tooth? I mean I am what  I am. What if -,” Tooth cut me off, ”Jack! Stop it! Don’t give up without even trying!” She sounded ordering and pointed at the window. “Go and find out about her feelings. Confess!” She demanded and I laughed to her reaction. ”Fine, I will.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. How will I do this confession? I just realized the true meaning behind of my recent feelings. Tooth helped me. Maybe I will need to follow my heart and use my center, the fun, as my aide. I closed my eyes and took deep breath. Slowly with shaking hands I pulled out one of North’s snow globe’s from the pocket of my jacket.

I take the globe close to my lips and whispered, “To Elsa,” before I broke the snow globe to my feet. The portal opens and I smile, in the end of it is Elsa. My love. I step in and feel the world moving around me. Now I am standing on Elsa’s bedroom. She had her hair done in tight knot over her head. Just after the hair artist left I cleared my throat and she turned around.

POV Elsa

“Oh! Hi Jack!” I smile to him and he watches me closely. My wedding dress needed some repairs after our last encounter. Jack’s lips narrow and he lifts his chin up. He walks closer to me, he is now scaring me. He is not talking, just staring me keenly.  I take steps back and I am soon against the wall. “Jack! I am sorry about the last time,” I exhale as he leans his left hand against the wall behind of me.

He just looks at me, like he tries to look to my soul by watching my eyes. It makes me breathe fast and I turn my head away from him. “Jack,” I whisper and feel his other hand getting to my hair. Pin by pin he opens the knot that my hairdresser just did. “Stop!” I yell to him and his head goes next to mine. His chin rests on my shoulder as he makes the sound to let me know to be quiet.

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