Chapter Eight: Leave Me Alone

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But then I saw smoke, coming towards me.

Before looking to see what it was, I bolted out of there.

I ran into one of the class rooms, slammed the door shut, and locked it.

The smoke started getting into the classroom, and I couldn't leave, there was no second door.

Before I could do anything, the smoke surrounded me, making my vision blur up and making me dizzy.

Before I could try to get rid of it, I was already passed out on the floor.

"Alexa?" I heard my name echo. "James, call the nurse." I heard.

My eyes slowly regained sight, the light on the ceiling was bright as the sun.

I heard someone rustling around in the room, but couldn't tell who.

My vision cleared, and I could see again.

I looked over to the person, and it was the nurse.

"Ah, Alexa, you're awake. Had me worried." The nurse said.

"What happened?" I asked. "Well one of the teachers found you unconscious, in the Math Classroom, so she told me and I brought you here." The nurse explained.

"Could You Tell me how you got like that?" The nurse asked.

"You wouldn't believe me." I Said.

"Ah cmon, just tell me. Maybe I can help." She Said.

"Alright. Well, There's was this smoke, following me. And the lights were off." I explained.

"Smoke?" The nurse asked. "Yeah." I Said.

"You must've been seeing things hon, cause nothing like that's happened here." The nurse said.

"I'm telling the truth! It was BLACK smoke, coming through the doors!" I shouted

"Calm down hon, calm down. You must've been dreaming." The nurse said, not believing me.

"But I wasn-" "I'll call your parents to let them know what happened. You can go back to class." The nurse said cutting me off.

"Fine." I mumbled. I walked out of the nursing room, and went to my class.

When I walked in, people turned their heads towards me, whispering to each other.

"So! Alexa, have a nice nap Huh?" David said.

"Shut Up before I make you." I Said angrily.

"Ooohhhh Alexa getting angry! Look at her guys, she's steaming! Better get the tea kettle!" David shouted

I didn't care if I would get suspended, but I was so angry.

I walked up to David looking him in the eye, and slugged him so hard, he fell clean onto the floor face first.

"Alexa! To the principal's office!" The teacher shouted.

"B-but," I stuttered. "NOW!" The teacher shouted.

I walked out of the classroom, and towards the principals office, with everyone staring.

Once I got to the principals office, I sat down on a chair, and let him talk.

"So, Alexa. I heard you started a fight?" The principal asked.

"Yeah, sort of." I said. "What was the reason?" The principal asked.

"Well, David kept making jokes about what's happened to me the past week." I explained.

"What happened?" The principal asked.

"You wouldn't believe me." I Said.

"Ah cmon, just tell me." He insisted.

"Alright, well...we moved here last week, and I went into the woods since my parents told me there was a treehouse. So I decided to redo it, but I....saw, something, or someone." I explained.

"Who was it?" The principal asked.

"It, was Tall. Wearing a suit, it was pale, and it...had no face." I Said.

"No face? Huh, that is weird. But I haven't heard about that before. Maybe you were just seeing things through the fog?" The principal said.

"No, it was real, I saw it." I insisted.

"Alright, well, I'm not going to suspend you, but I will give you a warning. I'll talk to David about his behavior, you go on home, School is over anyway." The principal said.

"Okay." I Said walking out the room.

I grabbed my things, and started walking home.

As I was halfway home, David and his gang friends surrounded me.

"Well well Well, if it isn't Coma-Girl. Have fun in the principals room?" David said chuckling.

"How many times do I have to say this, leave me alone." I Said.

"What's the matter? Sad you got no one? Sad that you're nothing?" David smirked. "Grab her." David said.

Before his gang friends could grab me, I kicked David in the face, and elbowed his friends in the gut, giving me time to run.


I ran towards the woods, leaves crunching beneath my feet.

I got to my tree house, climbed up, bolted the door shut, and closed the blinds.

"Where the fuck did she go, it's Freezing out here." One of them said.

"I don't fucking know Alex, how about you look with your fucking eyes?" Another Said.

"Hahah very fucking funny. No wonder Kim doesn't like you, she thinks you're a faggot." Alex said.

"Whatever, she's not here, let's go." One of them said.

I waited about fifteen minutes before coming out.

After I knew the cost was clear, I jumped out of the treehouse, and started walking home.

As I was walking home, I heard something behind me.

I jolted around, but nothing was there, I was about to shrug it off, but as soon as I turned around, Slender appeared out of no where.

Slender picked me up, and threw me smack into a tree, knocking me out cold...

Slender: The Reunion Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant