94 | Avalanche of Evidence

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"I hope you're not thinking of quitting."

I smiled and slammed my locker door shut. I turned to my friend next to me. "I'm not."

Trey's face brightened. "You're not?" Then he cleared his throat and tried to look casual. "Why not?"

"Jesus talked me out of it," I said.

He smiled.

"And Grandpa Chuck and Meredith," I added. Trey chuckled and nodded. I knew he expected that. And I guess I should have too.

"Guys!" Melissa came bounding toward us. She clutched her backpack on her shoulders as she sprinted. When she stopped short she was panting.

"You guys ready for Friday's lecture?" She asked.

I snapped. I cringed. I totally forgot to do some research for our next lecture. "Oh, man, I forgot. I can't believe we only have four days till the next lecture."

Melissa grinned and pointed a finger gun at me. "I knew you'd say that."

"How?" Trey narrowed his eyes to her.

"Because," she said, "Meredith told me about your little misunderstanding. So she had me do some research about our next lecture." She hastily opened her backpack and went through her stuff. Then she pulled out a brown notepad and flipped pages briskly. Then she stopped at a page and tapped a finger on it.

"Jesus's Resurrection: Eyewitness Accounts," she said. She handed the notepad to me. I read down the yellow pages.

"Oh, wow, how'd you get this?" I asked, reading from information to information.

"My uncle's a professor in Harrington Christian University in Massachusetts. I visited over the weekend." she said. "I've never told anyone about my uncle. Well, mostly because I was too embarrassed before that I had Christian relatives. But I can't stop talking about it now. And it's amazing! The evidence for Jesus's resurrection is an avalanche. I wish I had listened to my uncle sooner." 

"In everything there is a season," I said. "And I'm just glad you answered God's call for repentance sooner than later."

She smiled and then continued, "I asked Uncle Richard as many questions as possible. Questions I used to ask when I was an atheist. And, well, there still are some questions I'm still asking even now that I'm a believer. I'm still new to this, you know."

"You're never too old in your relationship with God. He will always have new things in store. And that is why we never stop wondering. Wondering, not doubting," I added. I flipped through the notepad leaves and was at awe at the information. 

If this doesn't get atheists to believe Jesus is real, I don't know what will, I thought.

"So, who's the speaker?" Melissa asked. "I'll have to give Meredith an update, you know."

"So these are all legit?" I asked.

She raised her eyebrows as if the question was uncalled for. She folded her arms and smiled. "Of course, Charlie. Would I really go 2,606 miles to Massachusetts for something that I didn't make sure was legitimate?"

I shook my head. "It's just astounding, this information. We might get arrested for something this true."

Trey chuckled. "Arrested?"

"Yeah, like Meredith's parents in China," I said. 

"And you're okay with that?"

"I wasn't," I admitted. I bit my lip. "Until I knew how Meredith reacted."

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