Chapter 9: Facing Fears

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After much persuasion from Naruto, I finally agreed to see a psychologist. I disdain asking for help, and since this is personal, that makes it even worse. Why would I tell a stranger about my problems? It's not like they even care--they just want to make money off people. Well, that's my impression, anyway.

"Oi, Sasuke," comes Naruto's annoyed voice, "stop hogging the bathroom, you selfish bastard."

I chuckle because, to me, an annoyed Naruto is just as attractive as a shirtless Naruto. However, due to the sleepless night I--well, we--had, my fuse is rather short, so his comment annoys me. I open the bathroom door and it slams against the wall. Naruto doesn't even blink in reaction.

"Ok, princess," I say sarcastically, "the bathroom is all yours."

He rolls his eyes and shoves me out of the way, which tells me that he is not in a kidding mood. "About damn time. What were you doing in there, putting on your makeup?"

I ignore his comment and head to my room to change. It's gonna be a long day...As I look for some clothes to wear, I think about my inevitable appointment today. I dread going, even though I can do more damage to the shrink than he (or she) can do to me. However, I'm relieved that Naruto is going with me, because I know I wouldn't do it on my own.

Naruto knocks on my door. "May I come in?"

I roll my eyes at his politeness. "Of course, baka."

He walks in and closes the door. "Are you sure you're ready?"

I sigh in disgust. "Who are you, my mother? You don't need to worry, Naruto. I'm ready."

Naruto's facial expression looks unamused by my smartass comment. "Fine. I need to report to Tsunade and attend some dumbass meeting, so I'll be back around lunch time. Wanna go afterwards?"

I shrug. "Sure, sounds good."

He raises an eyebrow skeptically. "Fine. But if you have another attack, I won't be here to--"

I hold up my hand. "I'll be ok. Stop worrying."

He smiles sadly and kisses me. "Never."

With that, he leaves.


Once again, I find myself roaming Konoha with no destination in mind. Some places trigger past memories, and I also see a few vaguely familiar faces. However, I don't run into anyone that I really know, which is a relief. Most of my "schoolmates" still treat me like an outcast, celebrity, or an endangered animal, all of which disgust me to no end. I want people to treat me like a regular person, not some disease or object. This is how Naruto felt all those years ago, isn't it? I angrily kick a rock at the thought of Naruto having to endure feeling this way for his entire life, whereas I've only endured it for a few short years.

I don't watch where I'm going, so I accidentally bump into someone. I need to stop doing that. I look up and see an angry Kiba rubbing his forehead and cursing under his breath. I didn't know him too well when we were younger, but I always regarded the Inuzuka clan with caution because of their tempers, claws, and fangs. I'm not a huge fan of canines, especially human ones of the Inuzuka Clan.

"Ah, gomen, Kiba. I wasn't paying attention," I say as nicely as I can. I offer my hand.

He scowls and stands, not acknowledging my hand. "Obviously not."

I frown, wondering what he could be so cross about. "You're not injured, are you?"

"So what if I am?" He retorts. "You never gave a shit about me--now you're wondering if I'm ok?"

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