Chapter 5: Relationships

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As the group of chūnins finish their lunch, and Sasuke leaves, tensions rise between Ino and Shikamaru:

"I heard what you said to him," Ino says angrily, "and I'm not a delicate flower that you need to protect, Shikamaru."

Shikamaru rolls his eyes. "I'm well aware of that, Ino. I just don't trust him."

"You've never trusted him! Just give him a chance!"

Choji awkwardly eats his dessert as they walk home.

"Believe it or not," Shikamaru says, "I care about you a lot, and I think you hanging around Sasuke alone is a bad idea." He blows out another puff of smoke. This argument is so damn annoying, Shikamaru thinks, Asuma-sensei wouldn't want us to fight over something so trivial.

Ino sighs heavily, and while she appreciates the compliment, she does not appreciate, however, that Shikamaru treats Sasuke as if he's the man who killed Asuma.

"I know that you care," Ino says and takes a deep breath, "but it's been many years and the old Sasuke doesn't exist."

"You don't know that, Ino. He wasn't very stable to begin with when we were thirteen. For all we know, he could've gotten worse!" His voice is rising; he's losing control of himself.

"He saw everyone he loved killed before his eyes by his own brother!"

"The brother who he killed!"

"Guys, stop arguing." Choji says. "Asuma-sensei would be ashamed."

Both Ino and Shikamaru look at the uncomfortable Choji.

Ino sighs and puts her forehead against Shikamaru's shoulder. His cheeks turn a bit pink, but he doesn't say anything. He knows that Ino cared for Sasuke deeply, and she didn't like that he was attacking him by being untrusting.

Shikamaru uncomfortably puts an arm around Ino. "Gomen, I was out of line."

"It's ok. I know you're just being protective." Ino says and looks at him. "I'm not interested in Sasuke anymore, so you don't have to worry about me, ok?"

He bites his lip. "I still don't trust him."

She sighs. "Yeah, I realize that."

He removes his arm. "Just be careful, ok?"

Ino looks away and doesn't respond.

Shikamaru sighs and then looks at Choji. "Would you, um, give us a minute?"

Choji nods. "You know where to find me." He leaves.

"Ok, talk to me," Shikamaru says and faces Ino. "What's bothering you?"

"Does anyone even know that we're togther?" Ino asks quietly.

Shikamaru shrugs. "I have no idea. Why do you ask?"

"Because...well, I wasn't aware I couldn't eat lunch with my friends and..." She stops, unable to find words.

Shikamaru frowns. "Huh?" He steps closer to her, wanting to comfort her from her obvious distress. "Ino, you aren't making much sense."

She sighs in frustration. "Yeah, I know. I just...I don't want you to get jealous if you see me with him."

A small smile forms on Shikamaru's lips. "I'd be jealous of anyone, not just Sasuke...but, considering your past, uh, feelings, it's hard for me not to get jealous."

Ino blushes. "Gomen, I didn't realize that--"

He puts a finger on her lips and kisses her cheek. "I've never been good at sharing, especially when it comes to you." He pauses. "I just don't know him as well as I know, say, Choji or Kiba."

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