Chapter 2: Desperate Measures..

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I was scared half too death.. I didn't wanna fight those two for fucks sake, I already knew about Fresh and Error, and how scary they actually they are, especially Fresh. He creeps me the fuck out, like holy hell I just hope he isn't corrupted like some monsters I has seen earlier. Fresh and Error were scary and creepy enough, them being corrupted would fuck me over, I would most likely have a heart attack or something. If Fresh takes his glasses off, you know your fucked pretty much. With Error, if you piss him off at all, your fucked pretty much.

"Well, I for one think we are fucked Kobe, like seriously? He chose us too fight them? Jesus he really wants us dead eh? Because that's what this fucking feels like is happening, he wants you and I dead or some stupid shit i wont fucking like... Like, I'm not very optimistic about this battle turning out okay or us winning, because at this point I think we are already dead. Now, if it was just Error or just Fresh by themselves, I would be a little more hopeful, but still, we might as well dig our graves now," I said, sounding not too happy about all of this too be honest, which I fucking wasn't. Fighting those two is gonna be fucking hell in a hand basket times fucking 69. Like, holy Jesus Christ.

"Well, yeah I agree were pretty much fucked, but if we get a good plan or something we might have a chance, I mean look at me. I beat Geno by myself, and I didn't have a plan. So why don't you and I focus on one each, just too make it a bit easier on us. We can do it, I believe so, even if the chances of it are fucking slim too nothing at all, I'm pretty sure we will be able too do it. Just have a little more faith and hope in this, and the outcome will be positive. Now then, I think we need too prepare first, we will need the best armor and weapons we can get, just in case we need them while using magic. Maybe we can influence the weapons with our magic, too make them stronger ya know. It would help a great deal if we were able to do so, the more we can hurt, the better the chance of winning we have. We also might be able too influence our armor if needed, just for more defense also. That'll help a lot also, but other than that, we don't really have much planning too do then," Kobe explained too me, which it was all pretty helpful too be honest and it did actually give me more faith and hope. Now we just needed too get the appropriate gear and stuff for this.

Kobe and I then went ahead and walked too the kings armory room, which 'lemme tell ya,' was chalked full of amazing equipment and stuff we could use too help us.For example, there was Tridents, guns, swords, scimitars, bayonets, knives, daggers, gauntlets and some spears. As for armor, there was a very awesome piece of equipment we put on, it was the 'Heart Locket', which for some reason gave us a huge amount of defense and other stats that were useful, like attack and health boosts, all that jazz.        "Well then, lets grab some equipment and get the fuck out there too fight," I said as Kobe just nodded in agreement and put on some equipment and grabbed a weapon, as did I and we walked out of the armory and out too the edge of the 'Judgement Hall', which we were then transported from there, too a different looking place then where Kobe had fought Geno, which was "Snowdin". We were in this black abyss looking area, but I then realized it was the regular 'Void', which I then saw a monitor where everybody was watching us. This was completely insane, we were fighting in a place that was pretty much endless in length, which I guess was actually good too be honest. No obstacles or anything too be thrown into, just flat empty space. Then I saw him.. wait.. him? There was supposed too be two of them.. hmm... well none the less, it was Fresh and he walked up too us, smiling.

"Well hey there ya Radical brosephs! How may ya be doin here on this fine' ol day we be havin here? Cus for me it's been pretty radical my bros, though I've been pretty bored. So! You brotato chips have any ideas for what we could do? If not.." He asked us, which he sounded kinda stranger, as if his voice was a bit deeper than it should've been, but he then lifted his glasses down a bit before looking at us.                                  "I  c o u l d  f i n d  a n  i d e a  f  o r  y o u  g u y s." He then said, which made me shake and shiver lightly, my skin crawling at the sight of what his eyes actually looked like along with the weird tone in his voice. This had actually scared me a bit too be honest, but then suddenly, Error appeared behind me and stood still creepily.

"H-H-H-H e y  Guy-uys. How-ow's it going?" He asked, sounding glitchy as all fuck, and too no surprise, my only response was silence.                                                          "Hehehe-ehe, we-well then-en. You will nee-need a lesson on how-ow too be respectif-ful," He told me as he then immediately grabbed me with his threads and threw me across the void which made a loud crashing sound as Fresh grabbed Kobe instantly and held him still as Error kicked him across the void also.

"F-Fuck... this is gonna be extremely difficult.." I said as I stood up and summoned an invincible DT Shield as Error fired a blaster at me and I blocked it, then deflecting it back at him as he dodged it and Fresh came out of nowhere on his skateboard at extreme speed and spin kicked me in the face as I flew into the ground, Kobe then getting up and summoning huge Purple magic hands, trying too punch Fresh as he dodged repeatedly, eventually throwing his skateboard into the hand as it explodes.

"Oh shit fuck!" Kobe had cursed as he dodged the explosion, summoning an even stronger hand as I stood beside him as I summoned gauntlets made of DT.                    "Well, we still gotta try our best buddy, it's life or death now.." I said, sighing as we both got into a ready position as Error teleported over and swung his thread blasters around crazily, blasting everything around him and Fresh skateboarded under the blasts and flip kicked me in the face as I then punched him so hard he flew into the ground and didn't come out until he was behind be and summoned 100 blasters, firing them at me as Kobe summoned a huge ass shield, blocking it barely as Error came up behind us and threw us both into the ground.

"Shit... we have too think of something... Fast!!" I yelled as Kobe got up with me and sighed."Well I have one idea... wanna try... Fusing?" He asked as I blinked and smiled.                                                                                                                                    "Let's try it.. whatever helps us win this..." I said as we turned too each other and we each put a glowing red earring on and we both got pulled together into one being standing there, we seemed too be smoking a red cloud and we had orangish back hair and glowing eyes. 

"Well shit, that worked way better than I thought it would, but man holy fucking damn this is something else," We had said, lighting a cigarette we had pulled out of our pocket and laughing at Error and Fresh before launching towards them in a second, kicking them into the ground as they flew very deep into the ground" Damn, learn how too fight you idiots, Jesus Christ," We said, laughing cockily and running over quickly and punching Error so hard he flew even further into the ground, which we then grabbed his soul and absorbed it" Welp, your gone, now its Fresh's turn =)" We said as we walked over to fresh and tried punching him, which he barely dodged it, it skimmed his skull and he breathed heavily.

" B-Brah come on now, we can t-talk about this mah h-homies," He stuttered out as we just chuckled" Hahahaha, spare you? Nah we'll pass binch, we have other shiet too do =)" We then said as we picked him up and ripped him in half,absorbing his soul also and laughing as the void lit up and we had won somehow. As we were teleported back to the 'Judgement Hall', we decided not too un-fuse yet, but just admire the view of the place. Now when we are fused, we are about 6 foot 6 inches tall and about 300 pounds. A giant for modern age pretty much, which made it cooler. Then we unfused and were passed out on the floor from how much energy we had used that fight...


"Undertale" Made Reality Book 2: The Inter-Dimensional Apocalypse. [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat