Chapter 8

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I was still down about my parents passing away. Every night, I'm in the woods, howling my throat out. I was really, really depressed. I couldn't handle not having my parents around. They were always there for me. When I couldn't contain my wolf any longer and when I wolfed out for the first time, they supported me. Now they're gone.

Today, Matei realized that I wasn't coming to school anymore. So, him, Jana, Tj, Selina, and Emilia went to the woods to search for me. Matei touched the ground, using his eolas, searching the whole forest for me. When he spotted me, sitting alone by the river and crying, they all ran my way.

I smelt them coming and got up. I sprinted in the other direction, running through the river so they could lose my scent. Once I crossed the river,  I headed to the cave. In the distance, I can hear the distinct howl of Matei. He's calling for me. This is it. I can't keep hiding from them.

I began running back to them. When they were near me, I followed their scent. I round a few trees and see them a few feet in front of me. I run into Matei's warm arms.

"There you are! Where have you been, why haven't you been at school?" Matei asked.

"Are you still sad about your parents passing away?" Selina asked.

I nod my head. I bury my head in Matei's chest, hugging onto him.

"Hey, I'm sure everything is going to get better. I'm sure the full moon will make you feel better." Jana said.

"Thanks guys. Thanks for always being there for me." I said.

"That's what a pack is for." Emilia said.

I take Matei's hand as we head back into the city. We spend the rest of our day in the Kafe. I like this place. Thr fact that humans have no problem with wolfbloods is great. I think I trust Katrina the most. She's my only human friend. I would make more, but I'm not about humans.

The next day, I finally come back to school. All my classmates were wondering where I was. I couldn't explain it to them for obvious reasons, so I just said I was sick. I can't risk them finding out about the secret. Though people know about wolfbloods, they don't need to know who I am. What I am. I've kept the secret, and I'm willing to keep my word. For the sake of my parents.

I meet up with the pack after school. We run into the woods so I could get my mind off my parents for once. Today is a blood moon. This is a night when we're at our strongest. Our blood pumping through our veins. We turn into wolves and run all over the woods. I snuggle with Matei on the ground. I howl to the moon and Matei follows.

"What shall we ever do. Is it actually safe to stay in the city?" I asked.

"We're safe here. Jana will make sure that we are." Matei said.

"My parents raised me in the wild. The city is never for me." I said.

"You have to live in the now. Your parents may be gone, but I'll always be here." Matei said.

"Thank you. You're the greatest mate I could of ever ask for." I said.

We head back to Matei and Emelia's house. We go to bed. The next mornimg, we get ready for school. During lunch, a bully pushes me against a locker. My eyes turn yellow and my body covered in black veins. This scares the bully and he backs away.

"What are you?" He asked.

"I um. . ." I said and ran away.

I've done it. I've let the secret go. Someone knows what I am now. I just made the biggest mistake of my life. I go Jana for advice. We meet in the den.

"Jana, what should I do? There was a bully who had pushed me. He triggered my wolf." I said.

"Okay. The first thing you should do is explain to him what happened. Tell him that you were wearing contacts and had henna drawn on you." Jana said.

"You're saying I should lie?" I asked.

"It's the only way you can keep the secret. Though most people know about our pack, they don't know about you. Protect yourself as long as you can. Stay safe." Jana said.

"Thanks for the advice Jana." I said.

"You're welcome." Jana said.

I go back to school. I explain to the bully what happened. He looked at me with a weird look. I don't think he understands, but not fully. This incident makes me want to run away, back to the wild. I can't risk my school finding out. After school, I go to the sight of my old pack territory. I run and run. I made sure that Matei or any of the pack was following me.

I go to the hollow tree, our pack calls 'the howling tree.' I howl loudly through the tree. Meanwhile, Matei hears my howl and it triggers him. He knows that I've ran away. He's on his way. I can see him running toward here. I run deeper into the forest. I climb one of the bigger trees. My heart is beating. Matei is calling my name. He's walking around, looking for me. When he's at the base of tree, I jump down.

"Why did you run? I told you you'd be safe there!" Matei snaps.

"Someone found out my secret. I had to run." I said.

"The whole pack was worried about you. Please, come back." Matei said.

"Okay. Matei, truth is that I was scared." I said.

"I want you to reveal your secret to the school." Matei said.

"What?!" I asked.

"The only way to do this, is to come out as a wolfblood so you can join the wolfbloods who are known." Matei said.

"I could never-" I said, being cut off.

"You have to. It's what's right." Matei said.

"Fine. I'll do it. There's an assembly tomorrow. I'll ask my teacher if I can speak for it." I said.

"Good idea." Matei said.

We run back to the city. I go into Matei's house and plan out how I'm going to tell them. I will ask my teacher if I can do something for the assembly. My excuse will be a motivating speech. When in reality, I will show them my true self.

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