Chapter 1

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I arrive at 9 am. I was running through the woods, just wolfing out. When I bump into this red-colored wolf, I turn back into my human form.

"Hey." I said.

"Who are you?" Jana asks.

"I'm Raeshel. I'm new and have no pack. Would you mind if I joined yours?" I asked.

"Oh sure, but you're gonna have to pass initiation." Jana jokes.

"You serious?" I ask.

"Haha, no. Welcome to the pack. Follow me to the den." Jana says, then runs off. I follow her.

We arrive at the den. There I meet: Tj, Selena, Amelia, and Matei. I find him the most attractive. "Yo, who's this little pup." Tj asks.

"I'm not a pup, thank you very much. I'm Raeshel, from America. Our secret was found out so my parents and I moved out here." I explained.

"You're very cute by the way." Matei blushes.

"So are you." I say.

"Why don't you kiss already?" Amelia jokes.

We both shrug and actually kiss. I smile and stare into his brown eyes, he stares into mine. "Ugh, I wasn't serious." Amelia says. "I don't care, I had to take the opportunity." Matei said.

I guess we're offical then. I went to school that next day. I got my uniform and put it on. I have most of my classes with Selena and Matei, so that's a relief. The top bully of the school; Hannah, I've had enough of. She's always messing with the couples of the pack. I nearly wolf out in front of her, but Amelia calms me down. Then we continue our day like normal.

After school, we always meet at the den to talk about our day. "I kind of miss my friends, but the ones I've made here made up for them. Plus, Matei is the greatest, I love him."

"I'm glad you're enjoying your time here." Jana said, "Oh, you know what'd be fun? If I take all of you back to the wild pack and see what happens."

"That would be fun to do that again." Tj said.

"Yeah. Let's go right now!" Amelia was very excited.

"Ugh, fine." Jana gave into them.

We all wolfed out and followed Jana to the wild wolf pack. When we arrived they all growled at us. Then Jana's dad came out and told them to stop. "You hurt my daughter's pack, you hurt me! Got it??" He said angrily. His pack understood then went back to whatever they were doing. We met the two pups. They were so adorable and taught Amelia things she didn't know before.

Then the boy lead her to a ledge. She slipped. Matei soon realized that Amelia was missing. "Matei, Matei! Help!" She screamed. His instincts kicked in. His eyes turned yellow and followed her voice, so did I. I used eolas for the first time and saw that indeed Amelia was about to fall off the edge. We ran as fast as we could to her.

When we finally got there we were almost too late. She nearly fell when Matei grabbed her hand. I helped him pull her up. "From now on, don't trust them pups ever again." Matei tells Amelia. "Got it." Amelia said.

We went back to the pack. Tonight is a full moon and we plan on changing with the wild pack. I think tonight is the night my brother and I finally change for good. We gathered in a circle and howled loud at the moon.

"This is great, so awesome." I said.

"Sure is." Matei said, holding my hand.

A few minutes went by and my brother and I were finally wolves. We celebrated by running through the woods as a pack, evetually splitting up to go do our own thing.

We met up again in the morning. Jana wanted us to go back to the city now. It was about time. She said goodbye to her dad and all of his pack. We howled a whole-heartedly howl at them and they howled back. We ran back to the city and met our parents at our houses. I invited Matei and Amelia for dinner that next night.

"So, this is your handsome boyfriend?" Mom asks.

"Ugh, yes. Will everyone stop asking? I hate it, I've had enough of it." I said while rolling my eyes.

"You guys are the cutest couple though." Amelia said.

"Thanks." I said.

Later that night, we wolfed out together. We ran off to the woods and messed around. We howled at the moon a couple times. By the morning we were completely exhausted and almost didn't make it to school on time.

That day at school was like any other. Constantly getting bullied by Hannah, fighting back, and skipping a few classes, and meeting later at the den. Our pack was complete.

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