Chapter 10

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I wake up. I look at my arms and there are still veins there. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I must of wolfed out in the middle of sleeping with Matei. It must of been because of how heated it got. I'm not going to talk much longer about it. There is something more important right now. I feel sick. Like really sick. I throw up in the toilet.
"Hey, you okay?" Matei asked.
I look up at him.
"No. . . I feel sick." I said.
"Oh, no. Are you?" Matei asked.
"I can't be. Can I?" I asked.
"I mean, there's a possibility. Do you want to go to Segolia and check?" Matei asked.
"You've got me worried now. I was not ready to be a mother." I said.
"You could just have the flu. Now, let's go." Matei said.

I put on clean cleans. We go to Dr. Whitewood. She lays me down in a hospital bed and starts scanning my stomach for a baby. I'm scared and nervous. Dr. Whitewood puts up the images that the ultrasound picked up.
"You see that?" Dr. Whitewood asked.
"It's a little bean looking thing. That?" I asked.
"Yes. Looks like you're pregnant, Ms. Miller." Dr. Whitewood said.
"What?! No, no, no. I'm in my last year of high school. I'm only 18. What am I supposed to do?" I asked.
"Calm down. We can get through this." Matei said.
"You can always abort it." Dr. Whitewood said.
"No, I'm not killing my child. We got ourselves into this mess. Now we have to live with it." I said.
"Look on the brightside, we get to be parents and Emilia gets to be an aunt." Matei said.
"I'm scared, Matei." I said, crying.
"Like I said, we can get through this." Matei said.

Put my clothes back on. Matei called the whole pack to the den. They all gather around me. I am so nervous to tell them. I'm especially scared of how Jana's gonna react. Will she be mad? Or will she be excited for me? I take in a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant." I said.
"What, wait seriously?" Selina asked.
"Yes. We just stopped by Segolia and the ultrasound confirmed it." I said.
"I'm going to be an aunt!" Emilia exclaims.
"Wow. I can't believe it. Being the mom of the pack is an important role. Your job is watch all the cubs, even if they're not yours." Jana said.
"I'm aware of that. What will I do when it's born?" I asked.
"We'll celebrate of course." TJ said.
"Yeah, this is something to be celebrated." Matei said.
"Okay." I said, sighing.

Not only do I have to balance school and a child, but also be able to control myself on the full moon. I wonder if the pull of the moon will be worse when I'm pregnant. I can only guess that it is. During that day at school, I had gotten cramps here and there, but they weren't unbearable. I know that they'll only get worse.

*The Full Moon*
I run into the forest with my pack. Matei holds my hand. I run to the top of the hill and the moonlight shines down on me. I feel strong in its light. The moon gives us power. I howl and the pack follows. I can't wait to teach my cub everything that Jana has taught me. I can't wait to see it grow up and discover what it is. It will be a day I will never forget when it transforms for the first time.

I wake up laying on the forest floor. Matei is sitting against a tree making sure no one was going to hurt me during the night. He doesn't want to risk another hunter coming after me. I feel like he's extra protective now since I'm pregnant.
"You know you don't have to watch me like a hawk. I need my space sometimes." I said.
"Right. Well, I'll be home getting ready for school." Matei said, getting up and walking way.
"I didn't mean leave me at the moment." I said.
Matei turns around and smiles, "I knew you wouldn't go without me."

I take Matei's hand and he helps me up. I wonder if the baby matures faster because I'm a wolfblood. I can only assume that it takes the normal nine months. I'll have to wait and see. For the mean time, I have class to attend to. Ugh, I have a test today that I totally didn't study for.

I go to class and take my test. I start to vein up from stress. Then, I get cramps and I'm on the floor. Someone asks if I'm okay. She helps me up.
"Ma'am, may I go to the bathroom?" I asked.
My teacher nods. I run to the bathroom and throw up. Oh, this baby is going to be the death of me. I sit against the bathroom wall and curl up. I start crying. Why did I have to get pregnant? I know this baby is a gift, but right now it feels like a demon tearing me apart from the inside.

Selina walks in and sees me crying.
"Hey, you alright?" She asks.
"No. Being pregnant is hard. Trying to be a normal teenager is hard. Trying to hide the secret is hard." I said.
"I understand, but you can get through this. I know you can. You're stronger than this." Selina said.
"Thanks Selina. You're the best." I said.
I hug her. We go to our classes.

After school, I go home. I take the ice cream out of the fridge, jump over the couch and land. I turn on the TV and start watching my favorite show; Stranger Things. It is the best. Matei walks in and sits next to me.
"Could I have a bite of that?" He asked.
"No, this is mine." I said. I scoop some ice cream and deliberately give Matei some.
"Thanks." Matei said.

We binge watch the newest season of Stranger Things all night. That's pretty much all we do. Life is great. I'll just have to get used to the cramps and pains. I know I can get through this.

The Lone WolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang