Chapter 3

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Matei, again knocked on my window. He also brought Amelia. She was smiling like an idiot. She's so happy for Matei's decision. He looked down at Amelia and smirked. When I woke up he was standing over me. My parents brought in my breakfast and welcomed Matei and Amelia. He brought me to the forest to a remote location. A place we've never been before. He invited the whole pack. Jana, Selena, and Amelia were wearing dresses, the guys wearing suits. 

"What is this all about?" I asked.

Matei got on one knee. "Yay!" Amelia yelled. "Raeshel Miller, will you marry me?" Matei asked. It was a ruby ring, my favorite. "Yes." I said. We kissed and we all howled out our lungs. "So, when's the wedding?" Selena asked. "This summer." Matei said. "My parents and I will make plans to attend." Selena said. "Great, see you all at the wedding." Matei said.

*Fast forward to the wedding. June 6th*

I had the most expensive, poofy dress you could ever imagine. I could not believe that mom and dad bought this for me. The color theme was emerald, so everyone was wearing some shade of green. It looked like an Irish wedding lol. I got my hair done by a lady from London. She did hair for the biggest celebrities. Again, how?? I guess dreams do come true. She put braids and a nice bun, then added my veil. Matei was wearing a black suit with a green tie. If only his parents could see his biggest day of his life. I bet they would be proud. The wedding was in a local chapel. 

"Quiet everyone." The pastor started, "Today, we are gathered in the joining of two happy people. Matei Covaci and Raeshel Miller. Let's get right to it." Matei went first by stating his vows. Then I went next. Once our vows were said, the pastor says; "With that, will you Matei Covaci, take Raeshel as your lovely wedded wife and death until you part?" 

"I do." Matei said.

"Do you, Raeshel Miller, take Matei Covaci as your lovely wedded husband and death until you part?" He asked. 

"I do." I said.

"You may kiss the bride." The pastor finished.

Matei dipped me then swiftly kissed me. Everyone cheered and cameras flashed. Videos were taken. My bridesmaids were;  Jana, Selena, Robin, and another one of my friends. "That was great you guys. You're so cute." Selena said. "Thanks so much Selena." I said. Matei nodded his head. What's next is the biggest reception party ever. When we arrived at the reception the music was already pumping. Everyone was told to give speeches, including us. I got really nervous, my veins started showing up and it scared some people. I calmed myself down and finally gave my amazing, yet very short speech. Everyone clapped for me and that was pretty much it. We played a couple games and yeah. Pretty boring reception party if you ask me.

After a couple hours, Matei and I ran off to the woods for our honeymoon. We tried to have a baby. To my surprise, it actually worked. "Matei, I feel sick." Then I threw up. "You don't think you're. . ." "Matei, we're gonna have our own little pups." I said, smiling. "We have to tell the pack." He said. I touched the ground to use eolas to find where everyone was. Selena was in her room, Jana was doing paperwork for Segolia, Tj was skating, and Amelia was hanging in another part of the woods. I howled to gather them. They all came around and I stood up to tell them the news. "Guys, I'm pregnant." I said. "Oh. My. God." Jana said, jaw dropped. "Congrats." Selena said. "Good going, mate." Tj punches Matei's arm slightly. "Oh shut up." Matei said. Tj winks at him, just to bug him. Matei rolls his eyes. "In that case, we need to take you to Segolia right away to get your scans." Jana said. "Alright, let's go then." I said.

Imara, Tj's mom picked us up in her car. "So, you're pregnant already huh?" Imara asked. "Yeah, I'm coming with you to get my scans." "Yep." Imara said. When we arrived at Segolia and I got put on a table. There was a huge machine next to me made for CT scans. I saw the little placenta on the black and white screen. "Okay, it looks like you're gonna have twins." Dr. Whitewood said. "Twins, oh my God. Wow, I can't believe I'm gonna have twins. I need to think of a name for them." I said. I have to do a lot of thinking with Matei. I guess he'll think of a name for one then I'll think of a name for the other one. We'll have a lot of fun training our pups. They'll have fun for their first transformation. I'm so excited.

I went back to Matei with the results. He was also excited that we were having twins. "I want to name one; hmm Vallory." Matei said. "Nice. I'll name the boy; Skai." I said. "That's quite girly don't you think?" Matei said. "It's either that or something stupid or basic." I said. "Fine." Matei said. Now that we've decided all we have to do now is wait. This is gonna be a long nine months. It might be fun. The pack can help me through the pain. Wow, I'm gonna be the only mother in this pack. That's a first now isn't it? When our cubs are born, we have to take them straight to Segolia so they could run their stupid tests. They can approximate when they'll transform for the first time and when they'll learn certain abilities. I'm sure they'll be the smartest cubs/pups around. They'll love our pack and maybe some day start their own little pack. That would be just adorable.

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