Chapter 9

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The next morning, I get ready for school and prepare my speech to explain what I am and what wolfbloods are. Matei encourages me that I can do this. I arrive at school and speak with Selina and TJ. I told them what I'm going to do. They're proud that I'm willing to do this.

The assembly begins that afternoon. My teacher waves me over. She told me it's my time to do my speech. I hold the microphone and begin.

"Hello. I am Raeshel. I come from America, as most of you know. What you don't know is that there is a part of me no one has seen." I said.

Some people start making jokes about it. Then, I continue.

"I'm here today to show you something. Now, don't be alarmed. I will only do this for a few minutes." I said.

I put the mic down. My eyes turn yellow. Veins form on my neck, face, arms, and hands. All over my body. My fangs grow from my gums, sharpening to a point. The whole school screams in terror. I told them to calm down. I turn into a wolf and everyone goes to the doors, trying to leave. I sit down on the floor and howl so loud that it shakes the rafters and lights. People go out the door, running for their cars. My teacher goes after them. I turn back to a human. My veins slowly fade away, and I'm back to my normal self.

"Guys, everything's okay. I am a wolfblood. Half human, half wolf." I said.

"You deserve to be locked up and killed!" Someone yells.

This breaks my heart. I growl at that person. I run to my pack. They can protect me. Selina tells me that it'll be okay. She hugs me and she calms me down. My heart is beating out of my chest. Matei comes to me and kisses me.

"You're okay." Matei said.

"They threatened to kill me." I said.

"It's because humans don't understand. It will take time for them to." Matei said.

"I'm scared. Humans have hunted my pack to extinction. I am the only one left of them." I said, crying.

"You have us. We will build a bigger and stronger pack." Matei said.

Jana comes into the school. She sensed something was wrong. She looks at me and asks if everything is okay. I told her that I revealed myself to my school. She was proud of me. It takes courage to show myself like that. At first, I didn't have the nerves to go in front of the entire school and do. With the help of my pack, I was able to do it.

School gets over with. To celebrate, Matei takes me out to the woods. To our favorite hang out spot. A cliff looking over the whole city. Then, I hear gunshots in the distance. We run, holding hands. Realizing that we're slower, we turn to wolves as we're quicker in this form. I hear the gunshots getting closer and closer. I run as fast as I could. Without noticing until it was too late, a bullet hits me in the hip. I go down. Matei stops in his tracks. He sniffs me and whimpers.

Matei howls for help. When the hunters approach him, he bites their arms and legs so they are wounded too. Matei licks my wound in hoping it would help. It only stings and I kick him. Jana, Selina, and TJ show up. They see me on the ground. Matei turns to a human and carries me to Segolia. They take me in. I am knocked out with anesthesia. The bullet is taken out of my hip and is sewn up.

I wake up laying in a hospital bed in my human form. Matei is sitting in a chair next to me. He sees that I'm awake and stands by me.

"You're awake." Matei said.

"Yeah, how long have I been out?" I asked.

"Just a couple hours. It was taking longer than usual for you to heal. This is the second time you've been wounded." Matei said.

"I know. I just have the worst luck." I said.

"You were trying to get away. There was no way of stopping them without fighting back." Matei said.

"I was too on edge to fight." I said.

"I know, and that's why I protected you." Matei said.

"That's what mates are for. To protect each other." I said.

Matei smiles. He kisses my forehead. I'm able to leave at anytime now. I get out of bed and change into my clothes. While in the bathroom, I look at my stitches. My wound has completely healed. There is no need to have the stitches in. I pull the stitches out as gently as I could. It stinged a little taking them out, but eventually I got them out. I throw them in the trash and come out of the bathroom.

"We can go now." I said.

"Okay, let's go." Matei said.

We hold hands. We walk out of Segolia. Matei takes me to his house. Emelia surprises me with chicken noodle soup. She hands it to me.

"I made it in hopes you would feel better." Emelia said.

"Aw, thanks Emelia." I said.

I take the soup from Emelia and begin eating it. Matei laughs at me as I slurp the whole soup down in like thirty seconds. I put the bowl in the sink and wash it. I put it back in the cupboard. I join Matei on the couch. While watching a movie, we make out.

"Ugh, ew." Emelia said.

"You know you don't have to keep watching with us. You can go to your room." Matei said.

"Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do now. Since you guys are too busy loving on each other." Emelia said.

Emelia runs to her room and shuts the door. Matei and I get back to what we were doing. We end up making love on the couch. Matei takes me to his room and we continue. We eventually fall asleep. I love Matei so much. He is my whole world. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

The Lone WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora