Chapter LIIIV

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IT STARES AT HIM for a little while but then quickly raises my hand and turns to punch Poe in the face

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IT STARES AT HIM for a little while but then quickly raises my hand and turns to punch Poe in the face. Just has my fist is about to make contact it stops.
It tries to move but my fist is frozen.
  "I said enough." Though my fist is still frozen in air It casts a glance towards Kylo.
   "I will say when it's done."
  "I wouldn't say that if I were you."
I feel the Enhancement t about to say something that we both will regret.
Stop! Don't say it.

   "I thought I told you to shut up."

Hey look we are on the same team. I don't want to die and don't either.

I stand there in place almost like I was put on pause as I have an argument with myself. Kylo realizes this walking up towards me. He touches my arm but I don't move. The enhancement is so absorbed with the conversation that it doesn't realizes someone touched me.
     "Woah what's wrong with her." Poe says letting a small laugh out.
  "Shut up." Kylo says waving his hand and Poe instantly gets knocked out. Kylo studies my face as he tries to read my thoughts. However the enhancement blocks the connection.
    "Sal if you can hear me you have to fight it." As if on cue the Enhancement returns back and quickly sweeps Kylo's feet from under him.
  He falls but gets back up quickly.
    "Next time don't violate my personal space." It spits out turning away from both Kylo and Poe and walks out of the door.
It stops just as it is about to exit the door. "Oh and don't mention any of this or else you will be sorry." Though I am in no place to say such thing. Kylo know that it isn't the real Sal. It is only the Enhancement. he also knows that to kill the Enhancement means to kill Sal. So there is no way he would tell anybody about what happened.
   He was to in love with the girl buried beneath the monster to realize that all she wants is freedom and the only way for that to happen if she dies.
MY HEART BEATS fast as a ring of dead rebels lay around me. Blood is splattered all over my armor though you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between blood and my actual armor color. It takes in a deep breath as it resumes it's Mission. Ever since the commanders began trusting me every mission I have been on was a success. I was unstoppable and that was how it likes it. Though the Enhancement grew stronger I began to grow weaker. I feel myself disappearing even my thoughts become hard to think. I had always thought that the virus would only take control of my body but now it seems to be consuming all of me. That's when I realize that this enhancement will literally be the death of me.
     After I tortured Poe Dameron, who escaped with a rouge trooper FN2187, the commanders began to trust me.  They sent me on countless missions. Now my daily schedule consists of wake up, mission, then time to myself. This repeated everyday. Though I gained trust that day I had also lost trust that day.
    Kylo. He doesn't look at me the same way anymore. He looks at me like I am someone else. Even though I am. Our connection dimmed He longs for something that I can't offer. It's been so long since he knew the real Sal that the happy memories we shared started to become a thing of the past. Though my thoughts will forever remember Kylo's love it would never allow me to show him I am still here.
  Now I am in one of what the Fort Order likes to call "a little check up". Which also means slaughter any people helping the Resistance. But there is no way to tell whether the villagers are helping them or not so we almost always end up killing everyone.
   Though the villagers came prepared for our arrival and fired on us as we descended. The enhancement had no problem taking out all of the shooters making it easier for the other pathetic Storm Troopers to finish off the rest of the  rebels. 
It begins to walk back to the the shuttle as It sense movement behind me. It quickly ducks as a bullet flys past my head. Before the shooter could even blink I was upon them and brought my fist down on their head causing them to collapse and eventually bleed out.
It smirks and begins to walk back to the shuttle and boards the shuttle. The rest of the Troopers form a path trying to gets far away from me. The last trooper who accidentally bumped into ended up in the medical wing and still hasn't come back to training.
   I stand in the back as it stares at the ramp as it closes.
   Phasma has assigned me a squadron even though it didn't care much for them it still took pride in knowing my squadron had the least amount of deaths and the most skilled in combat. When I wasn't on a mission or starring at a wall. It would take our squadron and drill them over and over again until even their armor was sweating.
    The flight was rocky but it remained unmoving as a couple of troopers stumbled as the ship shook. It took mental note of who faltered so later at training they would receive extra punishment.
    Finally we make it to Star Killer base as I feel the shuttle touch down.  It begins walking down the isle  of Troopers before the ramp lowers. I walk out as my squadron follows me in perfect unison. It holds my head high as Phasma walks up to us to congratulate us on the accomplishment.
    "SN, congr..." It walks right past Phasma totally ignoring her. It has no time to talk to people that it know will bore it.
    However suddenly it stops. I try to see what the reason for the halt. I scan the hanger as my eyes lock on a shuttle coming into the hanger.
It's just a shuttle. Keep moving.

   "I feel something."

I mentally roll my eyes. You always think you feel something.

The doors of the shuttle open up as troopers pour out. It must be the attack on a place called Maz's palace. Kylo has inquired that the B.B.-8 droid that had the Map to sky walker was at this palace. Though it didnt think it was interesting enough to lay attention I caught bits and pieces of it.
    Suddenly I am hit will an uneasy feeling but then a pulling. I do feel something. It wasn't the Enhancements imagination. Once all the troopers are out of the shuttle I see a familiar black cape. His figure come more into view as he walks down the ramp.
    I grow excited seeing him but then it all disappears.
   Something is in his hands. It doesn't look like a droid. It is more human form. It looks so dainty against his bulky frame. I instantly recognize the feeling I felt before radiate off the form in Kylo's arms. 
    I scrunch my face up having a natural unliking to this thing. As I focus my eyes more on the form. I realize that it is a girl.
   A filthy scavenger in the arms of the man I used to love.


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