Chapter III

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THERE ARE VOICES ALL AROUND ME. Some loud, some quiet, and some even whispers. I can't separate the different conversations from each other. I keep my eyes close trying to remember what happened. The voices grow louder and I am about to yell at them to be quiet so I can focus. When I hear a familiar voice. It is feminine. I try to remember why it is familiar. When suddenly it hits me.
    The constant repeating order about the First Order was said by her. Her taunting voice remains in my head. When I hear my name, or I think I do, I tune into their conversation.
     "She is too young." A masculine voice harshly whispers.
   "That's why we have Salina." The women reply's.
"SN2198." The man corrects her.
   "None of the older subjects are responding to the enhancement. So now we are using Salina," she emphasizes my name correcting the man in the process, "she is younger and hopefully more easily manipulated and easy to train."
     "You seem to know what you are talking about. I will leave you now with your little," even though I can't see him I know he looks in my direction with distaste, "your little experiment."
     I hear a door slam shut and I feel some of the tension release.
     "You can open your eyes now, Salina." The women's smile shining through her words. I open one eye not sure if I should obey or not. But something tells me I should.
    The women laughs at my innocence as I open both eyes now taking in the women in front of me.
    She stands in a wide stance with arms crossed her stern body gives the impression of a warrior and a leader. The first thing I notice though is her height. And as my eyes meet her face I am met with a serious look. Her short cropped almost white hair ends near her ears. However her eyes shin with mischief and a sort of loving expression that doesn't fit with the rest of her presence.
   She lets out a little laugh when she sees my eyes go huge while observing her. "Hear little one you must hate those dreaded restraints." She clicks a button on the back of my chair and the cuffs open up with a hiss. I quickly rub my wrists to erase the pain. I stare at her curious as to why she is being nice to me.
    "Sal, is that okay if I call you that?" I don't answer as I am still wary of her. "My name is Phasma. Many people call me Captain Phasma. But whatever name you want to call me will be fine."
     She holds out a hand for me to take. I stare at it not sure if I want to know where she is going to take me.
    Phasma notices my worry. So she crouches down to my level holding a hand out, "You have nothing to worry about anymore. Sal you are safe." I place my hand in hers as I hop out of the chair trailing behind the huge women dress in sliver.
     Before she opens the door she turns to me. "Now I have a little present for you." She grabs something off a nearby cart. She then places in in my hands. It's all black and the fabric feels soft but I can't tell what it is used for. I look up towards Phasma not daring to use my voice.
She realizes my confusion and takes the neatly fold fabric letting it unravel. She places it around my shoulders as I slip my hands in the sleeves. Lastly she pulls the hood over my head so I am obscure from anyone who looks at me.
"There you go. Now I am am going to put this helmet on but before I do this you have to promise me something. You will not take off this cloak. You are not to talk to anyone keep your eyes down. Stay close to me and make sure no one notices you. From now on you must become invisible. No one must know about who you are or what you are. All you need to know is that you are the First Order.

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