Chapter 2

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Josh and I was sharing a cab, not really sure if this was a good idea. It was 24 hours before I had to hand in the article on The Godfather and I didn't even know how I was going to do it.

 Josh gave the taxi driver an address I didn't recognize. I couldn't believe I did this. I wasn't a spontaneous person, and I never did things like this. Just tagle along with people you just met.  

The drive was long. Much longer than I had expected, but it didn't matter because Josh and I talked the whole way. We talked about everything that came to our minds, but mostly about movies. It was never a quite moment, and I can say that I was wrong about him before. He was actually a very nice guy, someone that I could actually be a friend with.

When the driver stopped in front of an old storage building, I began to worry.

"What kind of place is this? You know, Little Italy is on the other side of town, so if you are in the mafia, this is a really bad place to hide..." I said in a sarcastic voice. I could hear Josh laugh beside me. 

He opened his door and stepped out of the cab. I did the same, and while Josh paid for the ride, I was looking around me. I didn't like this place, and I think Josh could see that I didn't feel very comfortable. 

"Are you gonna kill me?" I whispered and looked up at Josh. He just smiled at me and started walking towards the building. 

"The boys likes to practice on unexpected places" The boys? Really? Who is this guy. I thought about the mafia again. No, Lizzie, you are being stupid. You've watched to many movies!

Josh guided me through a big, heavy door and we entered a big hall. I looked around, and then I heard someone yell something.

"Zayn, give it back!" I couldn't see where the noises came from, but then I saw someone walk in our direction. 

"Josh, there you are! You are late, man!" a really tall guy said. Wait, he wasn't really that tall, but little me couldn't see any different anyway. The guy had the same hair color as Josh, but his body was more muscular.

"Hello mate" They did some kind of high five only guys do. While they where talking to each other about something I didn't really get, because they talked to fast in their British accents, I was just standing there, really awkward. 

"Josh, don't be rude now, who is this lovely lady you have here" he looked at me and smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen. I immediately felt so much more relaxed and I let my shoulders sink.

"Oh, yes, of course. Liam, this is Lizzie, Lizzie, this is Liam Payne." I smiled at the boy and then I shook his hand. He looked strangely at me, but I didn't have any time to think much about it. Liam turned around and Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me after him. We walked through the whole hall in silence, and I could hear my footsteps echo.

We entered a smaller room in the back, and a wall of noises hit me in the face. In one corner there was loud music, in another corner I could see 3 boys standing and talking to each other. And there was also a boy chasing another. 

"Josh finally arrived" Liam informed the others. Everyone turned around and looked at us at once. Wow, more awkward. There was a reason I don't have a regular job where I have to talk to a lot of people. Don't like people to look at me. I used to get sick every time I had to have a presentation in school, and it felt like I was right back there now.

They all said "hi" and went back to what they were doing.  

"Don't take it personal, they are all a sack of children" Josh said just loud enough for the other boys to hear him. They laughed and then there was like they suddenly saw me. They all run toward us and jumped on each other like they were little kids. I stepped back a step so I wouldn't get 300 kilos of teenage boys over me.  

"Hi, I'm Zayn Malik" the boy with unusual high hair said. He was actually very handsome. He smiled a big smile, and than stepped away. 

"Hello, love, I'm Louis, how are you?" Oh my. He was really English. Or bloody English as they would say themselves. He had a striped shirt and his hair was a mess, just like mine at the moment.

"Uhm.. I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He said with a big grind. I had to laugh. He had curls all over the place, and really pink lips. I stared at them a second too long, and he started to laugh as well. He moved on and a blond haired guy walked in front of me" 

"Hi, I'm Niall" He actually looked really shy, even though he was the one I could hear the best when I walked in. There was laughing behind me, and I turned around automatically. I could see the curly haired guy saying something to the one in the striped shirt. They both looked at Blondie and laughed out load. I just shook my head and turned back around, but the blond one was already gone and Liam was standing there.

"You are Liam, right?" he was probably the only one, beside Josh, I remembered the name of. I was really bad with names, so I was proud that I remembered at least one of them.

"Yes, I am" he smiled. He was much taller than me, and he was just wearing a red hoodie. 

"And we are One Direction" I could hear the blonde one say out loud, like someone would announce when an artist are coming on stage at a big arrangement. Then everyone was splitting up and started doing their own business again.

"Why did you bring me here. This is really awkward." I whispered to Josh. He looked at me with big eyes. 

"Don't you recognize any them?" He asked in a surprised voice. I looked at the boys and back at Josh.

"Should I?" I didn't like it when people were expecting me to know something, and I didn't. Josh just looked at me with big eyes, and then smiled. 

"Maybe not" It looked like he was either relieved or disappointed. Or maybe both. I didn't know. 

"I was thinking maybe you could stay here for a while. We are just gonna practice for a couple of hours, and then we could go to your place and watch the famous Godfather trilogy" He looked like he really meant it, and I would really like some company. The Godfather wasn't really a movie you want to watch alone.

"Well, okay then" I shrugged and he grinned at me. 

"Why don't you sit in the sofa, and we will get ready" I heard Curly say behind me. I nodded and sat down in the big, comfortable sofa. Josh sat behind the drums and just playing around. All of the boys grabbed a microphone and the music was turned on. I felt like I should recognize the song, but I didn't. I don't really listen to music that much. Maybe I hear a soundtrack in a movie, find the artist and buy the album, but that's it. Movies. That's my life. Nothing more, nothing less. 

When the rehearsal was done, Josh sat down beside me.

"Did you like any of the songs?" I looked at him and I had to think back at all the songs they had sung.

"Well, I liked the that slow one where they all sang and the dude with the stripes almost didn't hit that high note at the end, but they all backed him up, so it worked anyway" I said. That was really the only song I remembered, just because of that. I admired how they all helped him like they were all best friends in some kind of way.

"That's Moments" Josh said. "Ed Sheeran actually wrote that song" my eyes went wide, and he smirked. 

"Really? I love that guy!!" One of my friends had mention him to me and said I had to check him out. That reminded me that I had to get his album soon.

"The cabs are here!" Liam yelled. Josh stood up and grabbed my arm and helped me up on my feet. 

"Where are you going, Josh" the blond one asked. I looked at him. Blondie had really beautiful blue eyes. He just looked shortly at me, and than back at Josh, just like I had given him an electrical shock. Weird.

"We are going to Lizzie's place to watch a movie" he smiled at me. 

"Oh, which movie? Can we come along?" the high haired boy said excited. I looked at Josh and he just shrugged, like I had to decide. Great!

"Uhm, we are watching the Godfather trilogy, and sure." I smiled at him. 

"YES!" he ran to the other boys and told them what I just said. They all looked at me at once and smiled and some of the raised they eyebrows seductive. 

Suddenly I got a bad feeling that I would regret this decision at the end of the night!

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