Chapter 8: The Escape

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Azie's POV

A surly angry growls were heard as the first instrumental of the song's played. We all duck and hid inside the small room as infected ran from different directions of the building floor towards one place.

Even though I'm quite worried that one of these infected would notice us since the door that this audio room had, was a half glass style door. Good thing blinds are blocking the transparent window. I took a deep breath and started counting to see if any infected was still in the building.

When I felt like all of them were gone, I looked at them.

"I think they're gone." I mouthed.

I'm the first one to get up and was ready to open the door when suddenly someone appeared and stuck itself to it.

Bloody hell!

I felt like my lungs went dysfunctional when it suddenly looked in my direction and our eyes met. The look of horror is surely seen on my face as I stared at its gloomy and ghastly emotionless eyes.

It's like my whole world was spinning. It opened its mouth making a terrifying growl and made a knot on my stomach as it tried to made its way towards me through the glass door.

I'm about to scream when Arius pulled me, covering my mouth with one of his hands while the other was on my waist.

"Relax Dwarf.. relax." Bulong nito sa aking kanang tenga ng mapansin ang nanginginig kong kamay hawak ang kamay nyang nasa bibig ko pa din at dahan dahan inalis.

Shaking and still breathing heavily, I'm trying all my luck to block my hearing from the horrible pounding on the door.

I forced my eyes shut for the moment and pry it open. The thing's gone but it left a red and sticky blood stain at the door.

Dammit! That sick fucking ugly close-to-rotten dead face makes me want to throw up!

I gag and put my right arm to my mouth right away stopping myself to make any noise.

"Shit!" I mumbled ghastly under my breath. I'm not going to fucking throw up here.

"You alright?" Arius asked behind me while putting his right hand on my small back. I nod and backed away realising how close we were.

If weren't in this situation, I may be flirting with him.

Dammit, Azie! You shouldn't be thinking about that right now! Stupid!

I mentally scold myself.

"I guessed that ugly-faced left already. Let's go." Giff whispered and beckoned us towards the door.

This time, we made sure that no one's outside who'll bang their fucking bloody head on the fucking door that will surely lead to my sudden death.

Like I'm going to freak out once I found out what's written on my tombstone;

In the Memory of Azie Freyja


Caused of death:

Due to a heart attack and being stupid in the midst of apocalyptic destruction inside the audio room.

Tumayo na ako at saka sumunod.

I shudder when my eyes landed on the freaking door frame. I tried to look away avoiding it until Arius opens the door slowly giving me a full sight of the damn clean-now-dirty door.


Just freaking gross!

I made myself ignore it and tried keeping my mental state back on track. We all pointed our weapons in front of us as we left the room.

It's been two minutes since the song starts to play, so we made our every move fast and alert.

We went down the stairs and prepared ourselves. I admit I was a bit distracted by the noise and loudness of the music so I first cleared my thoughts and focused on our next goal.

Getting out of this building and into the parking lot.

We were on the last step of the stairs when Arius and Gifflet cussed under their breath and started firing.

"Shit! Run!" Gifflet shouted as he shot the infected near us that was definitely attracted to the sound of our guns. I placed my bow back at my back and took my two guns and join them in shooting.

"Crap! I don't think we can make it!" Dearil shouted in the midst of gun sounds.

"Just shoot!" I shouted back while running and loaded my gun.

We kept firing until half of the infected students starts to approach us from different directions.

Although the school's speakers were loud enough and the song was still playing there were still infected lurking outside the main gate whom I supposed were late students and some parents.

They snap their heads at our direction flailing their hands and trying to get inside the fenced school.

I immediately got on the first bus I saw after reaching the parking lot and saw that there's another bus missing.

When I saw it was empty. I directly went to the driver's seat while Arius and the others were outside still shooting.

I saw that the bus key was still stuck in its ignition so I turn it on but it won't budge.

"Bwiset!" I shouted in frustration and accidentally hit the steering wheel good thing I didn't hit it's horn or else we're all very doomed.

"To the other one!" I holler then went down and patted Gifflet on the back. We ran inside the parking lot where the remaining three school buses were lined up.

We skipped two buses since its front is up which means it's still out of service. I got on the fourth and last bus and then checked the ignition.

"No key!" I shouted angrily and glanced at the guardhouse near the main gate. I got off and stared at the bus number.


I looked at the four catching for their breaths and on the school grounds. Few infected are coming this way but I'm confident it'll take them time to reach us.

"You guys stay here." I said as they looked at me.

"Where are you going?" Kaliya asked shifting her gaze from me to our surroundings.

I took a deep breath and then nodded on the direction where the guardhouse was.

"I need to go there to get the key to this bus." I answered pointing at the bus in front of us.


"We don't have time! The music's ending! We don't have any choices left! It's either I'll go and get the keys or we'll all die here and turn like them!" I then pointed to the infected on the school grounds.

"You stay here and wait for me." I said but before I turn my back at them, Arius grabbed a hold of my arm.

"I'll go with you." He didn't wait for me to say anything and pulled me quickly as we ran.

Agad akong pumasok sa loob ng guard house ng makitang walang tao atsaka hinanap ang susi ng bus. Ng makita ko na ito ay agad ko itong itinago sa bulsa.

Mahirap na at baka mawala ko ito.

"Let's go!" I shouted as the music playing on the background stopped at the same time.

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