Chapter 7: Final Countdown

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Azie's POV


"Hurry ​​dwarf!" I wasted no more time and immediately took Arius' hand and with full force, he pulled me into the duct.

Before that, I swung my foot and the mop I was holding on the chair at the same time to make it fall, which was successful.

"What the fuck? I thought we were going to leave here? Why did you do that ?!" Arius asked annoyed after I closed the duct screen while avoiding looking beneath us.

"Calm down. I'm fine, okay?" I stated and rubbed my forehead.


"That was freaking close!" Gifflet exclaimed while leaning and slouching against the tiny duct. My eyes landed at Kaliya and Dearil and saw their pale faces. I was about to tell them how stupid they were when Gifflet already did.

"What the hell guys?! We almost died on what you two did!" I shuddered as I remembered Dearil's shouting and Kaliya being an idiot for 10 seconds.

"I'm sorry. I'm just too nervous and paranoid." Dearil replied avoiding our gaze. Kaliya, on the other hand, remained quiet.

I bit my lower lip and forced my eyes shut before my gaze landed back at the four people in front of me.

"Let's be all clear first. Do you still want to leave here?"

"Of course!" They all answer at once. Tumango ako.

"Pwes, don't be stupid! Think first before doing stuffs! Because for the record, if you can't do this properly, better tell me now while we're here. I can go on with or without y'all." I said irritatingly. I can't do this with them if they'll act as if they're the only ones who's terrified and scared and don't know what to do.


"Believe me, I'm also trying to think straight at the moment. I'm scared too, you know?" I avoided my gaze at them and started crawling towards the end of the duct.

I felt them did the same behind me as silence filled the air.

Well, I hope better days still come for us in this chaotic city.


"Shit. How's that, I see more than ten infected students down below." Gifflet said eyes on the duct's screen, worried after we finished more than 25 minutes of crawling and reached the Music room on the 2nd floor.

I peeked behind Gifflet and he was right, I see infected students behind the stage of the music room.

Damn. It's just backstage, what more if we go out on this music room? I looked at them.

"Okay, since they're a bit far from where the duct ceiling is, you'll open the screen and I'll be the first to go down," I said throwing Gifflet a glance yet both he and Arius disagree.

"No. Ako ang mauunang bababa." Arius butted in.

"Tsk, not now Arius. And besides, I have a bow and arrows. It's better to use it than a gun that can only attract other infected people!" Asik ko naman saka umiling iling.

"I agree with her." Kaliya seconded. I just stared at her and then faced Arius and Gifflet, narrowing my eyes.


Thet didn't say a word so I just shook my head.

"Come on guys! It's better if Azie go first since she's the only one who carries such silent weapons among us." Dearil said quietly pointing at my bow and arrows and the sword.

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