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Jin went away for few days on his business work. I kept looking at the door waiting for him to come back whilst smelling the sweet fragrance of hyacinthe freshly bloomed flowers on that gifted pot by her. I wanted to drag him to that flower shop again. I promised him that we will meet her again and ask her name. I wanted to see him with a new friend, a new partner who can make him smile, make him happy and take care of him after me.

"Jjanggu ya~ wanna go out with me" Jin asked walking to me while I was taking a nap with mama Kim, I didn't realize when I fall asleep while getting pat on my tummy after lunch. I guess my little body is getting more old and lazy day by day. But I still jumped down from bed happily thinking this is the time I can make him go and meet her as I made a smug doggy face.

We walked out shutting the door behind our back, as warm sunshine welcomed us with fresh after noon air. "Let's go to the park. Jaewhan ah is waiting for us" He said taking a step to the right holding my leash lightly. Lee Jaewhan and Park. No way!.

I stomped my little paws strongly growling loud, clearly giving a single that I am in no mood to walk to the park again, I already went in the morning with mama. He turned around looking at my big eyes when I took few steps back barking with my soft voice. "What..?" He asked looking confused frowning his brows . I turned around to the left of the street, which lead the way to the market, to her shop. I inhale some deep breathe preparing to drag his tall and heavy man behind me and with 1! 2! 3! Count I ran, making him trailing behind me.

We hardly cross half of the block, hearing him asking me to stop but I kept walking until he took the advantage of him being a big giant strong human and me being a small creature, he tighten my leash and pulled it to stop my tiny furry wheels to move. He legit carried my entire self in his big hands, glaring into my eyes. "Ya ~ where you thinking you are going? Park is that way" he eyed me. "Jaehwan and hani are waiting for us, their drawing competition is about to start" he shook my small frame. I rolled my eyes and braked again. I don't want to meet that talented human who speaks multi animal language and his pretty crush. Cause here I am trying to get this idiot a girlfriend.

"You are coming to the park with me or staying home alone" putting me down he asked again eyes fixed on me, glaring directly.

"Woof".. fine! I whined a little then sighed. Its better I go with him and spent some good time then sit at home and sleep lazily.

We reached to the city park; I roamed my eyes to the crowd. It annoys me more to see many people here as I was already in bad mood. Many young girls gathered for this open city competition conducted by a famous art university and boys cheering for their (maybe) girlfriends.

"Seokjin ah~" I heard someone screaming Jin's name in loud speaker. Then I turned to see the voice direction, realizing it was just Lee Jaewhan calling Jin waving hands, running toward us.

"Aww, you come with your cute puppy" the duo did their crazy weird handshake, earning giggles at their action from girls.

I mentally FacePaw myself, rolling my eyes, growling at him. Jin chuckled evilly. It is more insulting for an old dog to be called "puppy" just because he is super cute and small in size then a grown up boy to be addressed as "ahjussi".

Soon Hani joined us, patting my fur, carrying and cuddling me in her arms. I sniffed her fresh scent, so different from these two loud men. She played with me shortly before going for the competition. Boys sat on the green grass in the park from where they can see her and all other girls. I sit on Jin's lap closing my eyes, as having no interest in anything but to sleep under warm sunshine. While these two boys chatting about all the nonsense things in the world. I was about to draft in my afternoon nap until a loud yet sweet crying and whining voice entered in my ears from nearby, grabbing jaehwan and jin's attention.

"Ahjussi.. I am only 2 minute late.. please let me join this competition.. I really worked hard for this. My bicycle broke in the middle. I even got hurt. Why are you like this ahjussi, let me go"

Jaehwan and Jin turned around to see the whole scene. I opened my heavy sleepy eyes looking up from bottom to top.

Bruised knee, thin trail of red blood scrolling down, mudsplash of dirt on light blue knee length frock, some more wet mud spot on white top, little dirt on pink cheeks and tears rolling down from her big eyes. My heart melted and I smiled looking at this view.

I don't know what miracle is this, but She is here. :)


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Heyyyyyy guys
Sorry for very late update
I was little busy in other works and books.. and after I finish this chapter I fall sick so could not update it..
I hope you enjoy reading this chapter..
Plz comment your thoughts and vote if you like it..
Thanks again for your support everyone..
Take care see you soon
Love ya all 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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