Chapter One {Day Before}

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Naruto's P.O.V
Tomorrow is the day I start my new job at "Konohagakure High"! I've heard some of the smartest kids in the country have graduated from there. There is a downside to working there. If you're a hot male teacher (like me if course) the female students will fawn over you (not that I mind). Anyway better get sleep for tomorrow!

Hinata's P.O.V
I'm so nervous. Why? Tomorrow is the day I start my new job as a teacher at the local high school. Not just any high school though. The prestigious "Konohagakure High"! From the name it sounds like any other school but no this school is an academy that the "rich" attend. I don't know if I'll reach their standards of a teacher. I hope the children don't hate me! Well now I have to rest my head and sleep.

Author's Note:
Hi Author~Sama here! Please don't hate on this book its my first!
('--') If you find any grammar mistakes please tell me! Also comment on how I can make my book better!
Okay Author~Sama signing off for now! Watch anime my potatoes! ^ω^

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