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I'm so sorry for not updating very much lately because school has been crazy. 

Drama, fighting, like war. Who's side am I on? Who am I supposed to like and hate? It's so confusing, and I'm supposed to help everyone, to be Switzerland in this all. But it's all biased. 

People who were the best of friends now hate each other, and the whole group is split. 

Except for me. I'm just there. If either side talks shit, I tell them to knock it off, or to shut up.

It's all too much for school. Talk to one, the other hates you. Vice-a-versa. 

So, there's my life for you guys. 

I am sincerely apologetic for this, and not updating as much! I love all you guys and am very thankful for your continuous support! 

I will try to update as soon as possible! 

Your's truly, Angel

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