Abe Mazur

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I took a step forward. "You must be Abe."

"Yes. I could be."

"Don't fuck with me old man."

He laughed. "Of course. You must be Alice Hathaway. Cousin to my daughter."

I shrugged.  "Maybe, maybe not."

"You're my niece. And apparently you brought Belikov with you too?"

I glared. "Yes. Now, talk to me. My father sent me here, to talk to you. He wants me to go to Russia and kill Strigoi? What's this all about?"

"Because they made him almost kill you. Why else? Oh, and because you're capable of it too. If Rose were here, she could help you do this too. But you've got Belikov on your side. How did you even get here?"

I smiled deviously. "I may or may not have broken out of the Academy."

Abe laughed. "You're just like Rose, too. She would be your best friend, were it not for Princess Vasilisa." 

Dimitri's voice came from beside me. "Abe, we're here for business, not to socialize."

"Of course, of course. Let's go inside. Discuss the plan, and I'll pay for the plane tickets. You guys have a place to stay, right?"

"Depends on where we're going." I said.

"Baia, Siberia."

Dimitri spoke. "My family lives there. When are we going?"

"Now." Abe handed me a roll of cash, passports, and credit cards.

We got in the car, and I got to drive. Hooking up my phone, I put on some music.

Dimitri turned it down. "Really, Alice?"

"It's better than your music from before the Berlin Wall went down."

He laughed outright. "Fine. Let me see your phone." He picked it up. "Password?"

"Uhm... Dimitri." 


"No. the password is Dimitri."

"Oh." He paused my music, and put on another song.

"That's better." He said. 

"Justin Timberlake?" I asked.

He nodded. "Not my favorite, but I assumed you'd like it."

I rolled my eyes, and made a turn. "Whatever." But he was right. 


Sorry for not updating as much guys! Schedule changes, so I'm not on computers as much! Thanks for all your continuous support!!! XOXO

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