Deja Vu?

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I woke up in a weirdly familiar room.

A bright light shone in my eyes, annoying. 

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"What's your name?" Dr. Olendzki  asked.

"What?" I asked.

"What's your name?" She repeated.

"Alice Hathaway."

"When's your birthday?"

"Why are you asking me such stupid questions? Did you lose my records or something?"

I realized I had said the same thing Rose did. 

"She has no concussion, but she will be out of practice for a while." I looked over at Dimitri, who was frowning.

"Are you fuckin' serious? No practice or fighting?! For how long?"

"Watch your language. It's only a sprain though. Maybe two to three weeks? But until then, crutches." Dr. Olendzki's tone was a patient doctor, but slightly chastising. 

I sat up, and saw Dimitri sitting in a chair across the room.

"Comrade! How can I practice? I need to!"

Dr. Olendzki had left.

"You said that the whole time I carried you in."

"I did? When I fell, you probably thought-"

"I probably thought what?" He had a smile playing at his lips. I was determined to make him smile.

"You probably thought 'Wow, she's a loser." I said in a deep voice, letting my Russian accent lace the words.

Dimitri laughed.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and he stood, coming over to help me.

"No, no Comrade. I got it."

I stood, putting light pressure on the ankle.

"Shit." I muttered.

"You sure you don't need any help?" He asked.

"Yep. I don't want crutches. I will be stubborn about that part."

"Fine. But if you sit, I will give you a present."

I perked up. "Present?" I sat on the bed, and he produced a small paper bag, and handed it to me.

Opening it, I pulled out a lip gloss identical to the one I was running out of.

"YES!!" I pumped my fist. "How did you know? And how did you get it?!"

"Guardian secrets." He smiled mysteriously, and I threw my arms around him.

He was stiff for a second, then wrapped his arms around me.

As I pulled back, I looked at him. "I was taken down by a bench."

Dimitri did his one eyebrow thing. 

"I was taken down by a bench. I kicked pretty much everyone's ass in everything, but I was taken down by a bench!" I applied some of the lip gloss, then stuck it in my pocket.

"So...?" He asked. 

"Never mind. I'm hungry. I was on my way to lunch."

"I'll go with you. They already closed, but I'll get you something." He stood.

I stood up, careful not to put any weight on my ankle. Dimitri handed me my crutches, which I reluctantly took.

I followed Dimitri into the cafeteria.

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