Happy Birthday

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I ran from Dimitri, who didn't chase me.

I ran to the gates, where one guardian stood. 

"Let me out." My tone was calm, and I realized I was attempting compulsion.

"No. You're a novice, and-"

I jumped on him, and put him in a headlock, making him pass out. 

I had my phone, a charger, my stake, and all my money with me. I would be okay.

Looking behind me, I saw nobody looking for me. 

I shrugged and went through the gates.

I could hitchhike.


I sat by an empty road, holding up my thumb, like I've seen people do before.

Eventually, a car stopped, and it was an old woman and her husband.

"Dear, are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. My car broke down a little ways back, and I need a ride to town to call my father."

"We're headed to Missoula. We could drop you off there."

"Oh, thank you so much."

"Hop in!" 

I did so, and we were on our way.

"So, what's your name, dear? I'm Darlene King, and this is my husband, Royce King."

I gave them a fake name. "I'm Rylee Moore. I just can't thank you enough for doing this for me."

"Oh, it's not a problem." We were nearing a gas station, which Royce pulled into. 

"Is here good?" He asked.

"Perfect. Thank you so much." I pulled out a 10 dollar bill and handed it to them. "For your expenses."

"Oh, no, dear. I'm afraid we cannot accept that. I insist." She said.


"No. Keep it. You will need it later, I promise. Have a safe trip, dear." They drove off, and I turned to go get some food from the gas station store.

I picked out a Sobe drink, and some gummy worms.

When I went up to the counter, I asked the clerk for directions to the nearest train station. 

"Head up the road about half a mile, and take a left." He instructed.

I thanked him and left, jogging. I made it there in about 5 minutes. 

I payed and boarded the train, but there was someone I expected there.

Someone who was blocking my escape from this nightmare...

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