The Past Unlocked (Part 2)

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RECAP: I shrugged. "I don't -" i stopped short. Remembering what the man looked like, I realized he looked quite like me. "He was just arrested."


I felt hands shaking me, and I looked up from the photo, into Dimitri's eyes.

"Alice! Are you okay?" He was worried.

I looked at the picture, and back at him, then shut the book. "Yeah..."

"Don't try to lie to me." His eyes narrowed.

"Fine. But do you really want to know?" I asked, skeptical.

"If you don't mind telling me." He was being humble.

So I did. I told Dimitri the whole story. "That's why I began training. Fighting, running. I don't want to be in that situation ever again." A tear streamed down my face, and I hastily wiped it away.

Dimitri, surprisingly, wrapped his arms around me. "I swear, it won't ever happen again. You're strong, and you have me."

I looked at him, and had an urge to kiss him. We began to lean in, our lips about to touch, when he leaned away, looking embarrassed. 

I groaned internally. I yearned to kiss him, but wouldn't push him.

We didn't speak for a minute, until I looked away, frantically searching for something to say.

Once again, Dimtiri saved me. "I... I have to go." He stood, graceful.

"Yeah... okay. Well, thank you for helping me..." I trailed off.

Dimitri turned toward the door, then turned back around. His guardian expression was back. "By the way, practice is at 6:00 am tomorrow, before first period. Be on time." 

I sighed theatrically, and he smiled, a half smile, but still, he smiled.

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