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Chapter 13 ~ Triangle

Letting go isn't the end of the world; it's the beginning of a new life.

~Lorenzo Sparks~


“Well, it was fun while it lasted Henry.” I told our new dog after giving him a shower using the hose in our backyard.

Dad and I moved here in the countryside and bought a house near our relatives. We used the money that we sold out from the Café. My Dad loves nature and so do I, we both enjoy staying here.

Though, Dad did not totally agree with my idea of leaving, he understands that I really need some time away for me to heal.

“Hey there, Gorgeous.” I turned around and saw my adopted cousin Maxwell standing at our gate.

“Hey Max. What brings you here?”

“I just came here to see you, beautiful.” He held out a bouquet of flowers to me and flashed me with his dazzling smile as I took it from him.

“Is that right?” I said then sniffed the flowers.

“Yeah.” he answered before placing his arm around my shoulder.

“Thanks for the flowers anyway, they smell really good.”

“You're welcome.”

“You're just in time actually. I was about to eat lunch, you wanna join me?” I asked him

“Definitely, I love your cooking.” He replied then winked at me.

“Why, thank you.” I said, then led him inside the house to the dinning table.

“Where's uncle Lawrence anyway?” He asked curiously

“Dad's out fishing with Uncle William (Max's Dad) and Uncle Matthew.” I replied, then took a transparent vase in the cabinet and filled it with water from the sink before putting the flowers in it and placed them on the table.

“They're bonding, I see.”

“You know it. Give me a second Max, I'll just get the pasta. Will you set the table for me, please?”

“Sure thing, baby.” I grimaced at his term of endearment, suddenly remembering a memory.

I hurried to the kitchen to get the chicken alfredo that I made and carried it to the dining table.

“Mmm... That smells delicious.”

“Well, it tastes even better so dig in.” I served max before myself.

“Thanks baby. You're so good to me.” He surprised me by pecking me on the cheeks.

I know he's being sweet and kind to me ever since we got here, but this is really something.

I don't find it odd, I kinda like it 'cause I'm starting to like him too. It's just that he reminds me of a certain someone with ocean blue eyes and auburn hair... only that he got raven hair and hazel eyes.

He just continued eating like stealing kisses from me is nothing but a common occurrence.

Well, we're not really blood related anyways 'cause he's adopted, so I don't see anything wrong with that.

The only problem is that I'm still very much in love and married. My Dad wasn't entirely opposed to the idea but he doesn't approve either.

My uncles... William (Max's Dad) and Matthew are surprisingly okay with it. I have other cousins as well but I'm much closer to Max.

I feel like the apocalypse made everyone accepting. And long gone are the homophobes.

Though, there were a few cases where people have committed suicide over the last two years because they couldn't take the reality of things. Some even got raped, while some were brutally murdered.

But now our city (Ovis Flok) is heavily protected. The crimes are reduced because each and everyone of us undergoes psychological tests and counseling.

You would think that after the apocalypse the cities will fall and the society will not function, but it's actually quite the opposite.

We formed a new and much stronger government that will put to shame all the bigots. And that's all thanks to King Blackburn.

Gays are always underestimated before like we are the scum of the earth, and they just want us to perish.

But who leads them now?

A lot of us had very traumatic experiences growing up because of the homophobes. Some didn't even make it today.

Maybe...the apocalypse is heaven's way of teaching all of us to be humble. To love thy neighbor like what the bible told us to do.

Reminding us that we're all equals. That both you and I have the same right to live peacefully.


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