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Chapter 12 ~ Missing

The only real mistakes are the ones we don't learn from.

~Kaleb Embers~

Fuck! I did it again. I let someone go because of my stupidity.

And now, I'm just a wifeless man.

I couldn't even find him and it's been three weeks now.

I just have to ruin everything, don't I?

I should have never opened my mouth in the first place, since nothing good ever comes out of it.

Why can't I just admit that I like him?

If not, then nothing could have happened to us that night before he left.

All because of this stupid norm ingrained to us by our “society” that a man is made only for a woman, and it's so hard to unlearn.

I know I told him that I can never get attracted to him because he's a man, but that's just bullshit.

The thing is, I heard him say that he loves me, so I don't really get why he had to leave?

Is it because I didn't say it back?
Fuck! I'm so confused.

Don't even get me started with my mood swings.

I swear, I don't know what's happening to me these days. I'm always angry like The Hulk.

Unfortunately, my unlucky wife was the receiving end.

“Son, you have to be honest with me. Did you do something for Enzo to run away?”

“It's complicated, Pops.”

“What do you mean it's complicated? Did you two had a fight?”

“Kind of.”

“What about?”

“I told him that I don't like him because he's a man.”

“You said what?! How could you be so stupid, Kaleb!”

“I didn't mean to say it...”

“Well, whether you meant it or not, you still rejected him. When you shouldn't have, because you're already married.”

“I know, Pops... I wasn't thinking...”

“Damn straight, you are! Do you really not like him at all? Because I don't buy it. I remember how smitten you are with him when you were younger. You had this weird obsession of teasing him just to get his attention, but you always end up making him cry.”

I groaned, “Stop it, Pops.”

“See? You know it's true.”

“But we had sex last time, I don't understand?”

“Oh, Dear Lord... Now I can see why he left. He must have thought that you just used him after you made him feel unwanted.”

“Shit. What do I do now, Pops?”

“Find him. Apologize and tell him how you really feel about him.”

“It's easier said than done...”

“Well, trying is better than doing nothing and having what ifs, don't you think? Do you want him to run into someone else's arms?”

“Fuck, No!”


“Sorry, Pops.”

“So, what are you waiting for? Find him.”

“Yes, sir!” I mock-salute him.


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