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Chapter 10 ~ Heart

~Lorenzo Sparks~

It was now around five o' clock in the morning as I checked the wall clock.

Wow. Time really flies.

I remember when I first arrived here at Kaleb's place.

This freaking Mansion is way too big for only one person, even for two people-now that I am here.

Pops said that Kaleb used to live here alone for years as a bachelor or should I say, "hermit?"

Well, honestly, he is sort of a loner. Just saying.

It's still dark outside, because it is the time of the year where night time seems longer than the day.

But I barely had sleep last night.

I know I should have been knocked out from all our physical activities. But there is something that is really bothering me.

I've been fully awake for the last four hours now.

Just thinking...


And, I have finally made my decision.

One that will drastically change both of our lives forever.


I carefully sat on the edge of the bed beside him while he was still sleeping.

Taking a moment to admire his handsome features.

His thick eyebrows are creasing into a frown - marring his gorgeous face.

I wonder what he's dreaming about?

I wish I could make all the bad things go away.

Anything, to see him happy.

He has short auburn hair, tanned skin, sharp pointed nose, chiseled stubbled jaw, long lashes that are fanning his cheeks and delectable full lips.

"-You know what? I could have wished for you to love me back at a shooting star-if they really do make wishes come true..."

I said to him softly while staring at his face. His eyes are still closed as I gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from his face.

"But, I wouldn't."

I clicked my tongue.

"Cause I'd rather it be done naturally if you ever fall for me. And I don't want to always wonder if you actually loved me or you're just under a spell..." I drawled out

A lone tear escaped my eye and slid down my cheek, giving away my traitorous emotions.

With a shaky breath, I continued...

"That's not how I want us to be."

My eyes are still blurry from tears as I look down-sniffling, and trying to wipe my face with the end of my sleeves.

I've seen this scene in my dreams before, but it played out differently.

We're like in some kind of alternate universe, if you ever believe in that concept.

Only there, Kaleb is playful and teasing.

And after taking one last longing look at Kaleb, I finally grabbed my bag and headed for the door...

...ready to leave.

Leave him.

Leave every torturously beautiful memory behind.

But I have to do this.

Because we're not meant for each other.

Last night was probably just in the heat of the moment. Something I know he will regret once he wakes up.

He will surely be so disappointed in himself for giving in to me that easily. And I don't want to be there to see the look of disgust on his face when he suddenly realizes it. He will just hate me more than he already has.

He may not say it, but I know he's depressed. It's probably because of that girl in the picture he had on his bedside table.

One night, I saw him looking at it lovingly when he thought I was already fast asleep.

And it's so stupid of me to even think that I could ever compete with her... a girl nonetheless... though a dead one.

I wouldn't even put up a fight.

My dad is back in good shape anyways, so we don't have to pretend like this anymore.

I'll put Kaleb out of his misery and let him finally mourn for her in peace.

I know when I'm not wanted and this relationship is already over even before it started.

He's technically in love with someone else... The memory of her.

Last night was the best night of my existence though.

And if someone would have told me before that I will fall in love with this grump, I'll probably just laugh at their face for being so silly. Now, I'll tell you otherwise.

He is everything and more...

He is perfect to me, flaws and all.

But I have to do this,

Because I love him.

And when you love someone,

you'll put their needs first before your own.

Yeah, love is weird like that.

...I should have just stayed a fucking virgin.

"I'll miss you, hubby." I said and blew him a kiss before finally closing the door...

The way that leads back to him.

To his heart.

But no matter what I do, I can never get through-even if I stay.

So I'll make it easy for him.

I just hope that I'm doing the right thing.

Because I'll never be the same again.

Every-freakin'-thing in me hurts right to the very core...


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