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Chapter 7 ~ Frost

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

~Lorenzo Sparks~

What now?

It's been a month since I moved here with Kaleb. And it already became his routine to just keep on ignoring me like I was the plague.

Seriously, how ironic it is for someone who's last name is Embers which actually equates to fire and yet he's nothing but an ice man.

But this is what I want, right? To be left alone, 'cause I get uncomfortable everytime he tries to touch me.

Then, why do I suddenly feel like wanting to cuddle with him?

The fuck is wrong with me?

I guess I was just bored.

"Lies!" said my brain.

Sheesh. Give me a break.

Anyways... Regarding my Dad, I actually get to visit him every weekend.

The nurse said that he's getting better now.

And while we're there, Kaleb will be all lovey-dovey with me in front of Dad.

Then, dropping the act once we get home. He wouldn't even look at me.

I'm still managing the Café with the help of my staff... Though, George or Pops as what he wants me to call him said that it was unnecessary, 'cause his son Kaleb can very much support me and my Dad with his huge ass salary as a Bank CEO at The Bank of Embers.

But what am I gonna do at home all day? I'm not some kind of kept mistress.

I am very much capable of taking care of myself.

One day, I asked Kaleb if I could use the guest room just to gauge his reaction. And he just nodded without saying a word.

A whole damn week has passed. What are we? Why are we even staying together if we're just going to act like this?

Is it me? or he just couldn't stand my presence.

I'm currently standing outside of his room, contemplating if I should still do this or not. But I did anyways.

Before I even changed my mind, I knocked on the door twice before placing my hands on my side.

No response.

Dammit, we can't go on like this forever. Something's gotta change and I'm sick of him treating me like a ragdoll.

“Kaleb?” I called out

I knocked again and waited for another minute to pass, but I was still greeted by silence.

I turned around dejectedly, heading back to my room which is just across from his.

He must be already asleep.

“What do you want?”

I stopped mid-step and glanced back at his direction. He had a scowl on his handsome face and his arms were folded across his bare chest.

“I, uh, was just wondering if I can sleep in your r-room tonight..if that's okay?”

I stuttered as I looked down shyly and started playing with my fingers.

I peaked at him from underneath my lashes and saw him raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

He then huffed and walked inside his room, leaving me there standing at the door. Not even bothering to wait for me. Such a nice man.

“Are you just gonna stand there all night? Or do you want me to drag you here by myself?” His voice echoed.

Grumpy much?

I scampered to my feet and went inside upon hearing that. And after closing the door, I jumped on his bed somewhat feeling giddy—I heard him groan because of that. And even with the absence of light in the room, I know that he must still have that permanent scowl on his handsome face.

What he didn't know is that I'm only waiting for him to fall asleep before I execute my plan.


After I heard the telltale sign of his light snoring...

I inched closer to him and wrapped my arm around his torso and hooked my leg on his strong thigh, clinging to him like a vine. I nuzzled his chest with my nose and giving him a good sniff. Damn, his smell is so intoxicating.

What? Don't judge me, you hypocrites.

Y'all secretly perverted as well.

Besides, he's my husband anyways. I have all the right to do this.

And he's definitely not treating me well as of the moment. He couldn't even kiss me on the lips.

If I didn't know any better, I could just think that he's already menopausal or he's PMS-ing. Either of the two.

What happened to the saying, “A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life” ?

I just hope I don't get caught by him or else he's gonna freeze my ass to death. Pun intended.

For now, let me have my stolen moments with him.

If he could act sweet only when my dad's around, I can do that as well while he was sleeping.

We all get what we deserve.

And this is my retribution.


Who's your Daddy now, Kaleb??


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