~Chapter Thirty-Two~

Start from the beginning

"It's not that..it's just I hate the outdoors. Nothing but sunburn and poison oak." Pidge says and I can't help but let out a quiet agreement.

"I like it out here. It's quiet." Keith says and I smile then I get this strange feeling.

I hear something ping off of Ghost and I look out to see what it could have been. I watch as a series of arrows came flying at us and we all easily dodge them.

"What was that?" Hunk asked.

"Uh...are we being attacked?" Keith questions as more arrows came at us and we didn't even bother to dodge since they did no damage.

"I don't know, but something is pulling my lion down to the surface." Shiro says and after he announced that I felt as something was pulling my lion closer to the surface of the planet.

"Yeah, something is pulling Blue down too." Lance says and I look out at the rest of my crew and watch as we slowly drifted down.

We finally just landed and when we did we were met by a large group of aliens with weapons.

"Are those wooden mech suits?" Hunk asked and I looked over in awe to see just what he was talking about.

"Are you kidding me? We got taken down by a bunch of tree people." lance says with an obviously irritated voice.

"We come in peace." Shiro announced through the speakers to the aliens.

Pidge exited her lion and held up the spore in the container.

"We got your distress signal." She announced and the aliens seemed to become much less tense and very happy.

"Praise Lubos." An elder female alien cried out in relief and soon enough all of them were yelling out cheers of happiness.

We all exited our lions and met up with the elder woman. Her name was Ryner. She showed us around the forest and brought us to their homes within the trees, which were like a little kids dream tree house.

"When the Galra attacked, only a few of us escaped the cities. We were forced to flee into the forest." Ryner explained as we all stared up at the tree houses.

"How long have you been living out here?" Shiro asked.

"Many decafeebs, but as you can see, our people are resilient. We never stopped evolving. Instead, we adapted our skills to the environment." She motioned for us to look deeper in the forest and when I saw what was there I was in awe.

There was an Olkari who took a piece of wood and transformed it into a dragonfly. It flew around us and rubbed up against my face, making me giggle, before it took off into the forest.

"Coran was right! You really are the most incredible engineers in the universe! To be able to switch from working with precision machinery to a bunch of sticks!" Pidge cried out in excitement.

"Nature's designs are superior to any that we could devise." Ryner says with a smile.

"No offense, but i'll take my computer over a tree any day." Pidge remarked.

"You two can talk science later. Let's form Voltron and get rid of those Galra invaders." Shiro instructs and we all nod.

"It's not that simple I'm afraid. The Galra have our leader, Lubos." Ryner murmured while the other Olkari sadly repeat his name.

"If you attack, who knows what they'll do to him." Ryner continues as she and the rest of the Olkari hang their heads in sadness.

"Then we'll just have to rescue him." Shiro answered and Ryner's attitude perked up to that.

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