Chapter 17: Sticks and Stones....And White Cinnamon

Start from the beginning

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

That was crazy! I can't believe I did that! "I know"I said hugging Niall tighter. We soon started to slow dance even though the song was upbeat, "Just don't forget, your mine"I said wraping my neck around my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed the side of my head. "And don't forget your mine, and only mine"Niall whispered into my hair, And we swayed along to the music, just the two of us. I felt safe and secure in Niall's arms. I felt good. I lifted my head off his shoulder, I looked into his crystal blue eyes, they were lit up like christmas lights. Niall was looking into my eyes. "I could look at these all day"He whispered. "I Love you"Niall said then he slowly leaned in and kissed me. I shut my eyes, I felt a smile form on his lips as one formed on mine, the kiss was long and passhionate. We pulled away, I slowly opened my eyes "I Love you too."I said and I meant it, I really did. "Err Excuse Me LoveBirds? We need Niall sorry ha heh"We heard someone awkwardly, we turned to see Liam standing there all awkward rubing the back of his neck, I started laughing "We uhh need Niall, One Direction is suppose to, the stage..Yeah"He said, "Haha Come on then! Your so cute, just like an Awkward Turtle"I said grabbing both of the boys and walking to the stage "Hahaa Did you just say Awkward Turtle?!"Nial said laughing "Haha I might use that"Liam said "You gotta quote me though!"I said laughing, we soon got to the stage, "There you guys are!"Sydney said waving us over "Hey Krissy! I heard you bitch slapped someone!"Harry said, I could feel my face turning red, "You did! Haha I knew it! It was true!"Harry said "And we heard it was Demi Lovato! Didn't know you had it in you!"Louis said "Wait! Did I miss a cat fight?!"Harry said I slapped his Arm "HARRY EDWARD STYLES!"I said, he laughed and held up his hands. "I was joking!...Maybe"He said winking, then Cat slapped him then I did, "Haha theres your cat fight"I said laughing, Niall and I were the only ones to laugh, "Hey! That was funny!"I said catching my breath. "Come on guys! Its Time!" Liam said handing them each a mic, they all ran on stage "Hi Were One Direction!!"they all said. "We'd just like to thank you for joining us tonight at our US Tour kickoff party!"Liam said, then they kept talking blah blah all that stuff "Can't believe it's almost here! July 1st!"Louis said then it hit me, July 1st? It was June 15, that means I only had like 15 more days with the boys?? Or what was going to happen when July 1st came?...Soon they all said goodbye to there guests and rejoined the party "Lets Party!"Harry said walking over to us. Everyone agreed and walked to the dancefloor, I just stood there. "Babe you coming?....Babe?"Niall said, I shook off the thought of them leaving, tonight should be fun! Live in the moment right? "Yeah! Lets party!"I said grabbing Niall's hand and running to the dancefloor. We had so much fun! And these people would come around with food! And drinks! This was going to be a fun night!

(Niall's P.O.V.)

We were having a great time! We got another drink, "I think you've had enough to drink"Liam said taking our drinks. "What! Nooo!"Krissy said pouting, Yeah she had too much. Liam walked away chuckling, "Psst! Here this is better than that drink anyways!"Harry said handing me and Krissy drinks. I smelt it, it smelled strong! I put it down on the conter. But Krissy downed it "Woah!" She said then she got alittle tipsy and crazy, I brought her to a booth. "Can I have another drink?"She asked "No, your so wasted!"I said laughing "Pretty Pleasee!"She said giving me puppy dog eyes "You'll thank me tomorrow" I said shaking my head. She got out of the booth "Where are you going?"I said walking after her. "I'm going to Uhh-"She began to say But fell to the floor "Ohh Hello floor"She said, I helped her up. "Yeah your totally wasted."I said helping her walk, I danced with her alittle then after Harry sneaking around and giving her more to drink I decided to bring her to a booth "Why?" She said, "Why what?"I asked placing her back in the booth, "Why me? I'm a nobody. I don't deserve you and you know it!"She said pointing a finger at me "Krissy, what are you saying? Your drunk, you know thats not true"I said, "Sometimes I wonder why you love me. Especially when I look like this! I'm not good enough for you"She said slurring her words "Krissy, if one of us doesn't deserve the other I wouldn't deserve you, your amazing"I said, she was so drunk.."I Love you so so sooo much"She said, I laughed "Love you too"..... The party was about over, and We decided to go home, Louis and Harry were completely wasted! Everyone else was pretty drunk but not as drunk, Krissy was almost there, ohh who am I kidding Krissy was just as wasted as Harry! I was drunk but I could take it. Oh! There goes Lou! "No! Lou!"I said, I ran over to him I had to pull him away, he was talkig to random strangers again about carrots... "Okayyy! Byee babeee! See you carrotss"Louis said slurring his words and waving his fingers at a very large quite scary looking man, Liam had to drag/carry him to the car. I carried Krissy bridal style to the car, she fell asleep on the way there She looked so cute, very innocent haha "Aww shes a cute drunk ahaha"Zayn said as him and ashley walked by. "Shes wasted! Shes never drank this much!"Ashley said laughing, "Shhh! She'll wake up!"I whispered. She slowly opened her eyes, "Mhmm Wha-"She mumbled. I gently placed her in the backseat, I had her head lay on my lap, I brushed her hair out of her face and hummed so she'd sleep. "Okay everyone here?"Liam asked a chorus of Yeahs and just drive alreadys were said. We drove straight home. I placed Krissy in bed, I collapsed right beside her and fell quickly asleep.....

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