Part 11

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Yoongi's friendship with Heechul is as strong as ever as if they never parted ways at all. They texted a lot too but Chanyeol didn't seemed to mind at all as if he didn't feel anything.

Yoongi is sad that Chanyeol had been ignoring him for quite some time now, saying that he's busy with his schedule but Baekhyun said otherwise. Yoongi wanted to apologize for hurting Chanyeol's feeling by mending his friendship with his ex-boyfriend, Heechul.

But Chanyeol always evade him no matter what.

Yoongi frowned as he swept the floor silently, not paying any attention to his surroundings.

Namjoon looked at his childhood friend with sympathy and sadness. Yoongi was so down ridden these days and everyone knew what happened to Yoongi and Chanyeol.

They fought.

Chanyeol felt insecure whenever Yoongi was around Heechul, not that Yoongi can't make friends but Yoongi used to have feelings for this guy and it made him uncomfortable.

Especially with Heechul's open flirting and Yoongi's didn't mind attitude.

It made him feel jealous and more upset than ever. Yoongi wasn't supposed to respond those flirts by blushing bright red.

Whenever Chanyeol tried flirting with Yoongi, the latter would always respond with a deadpanned look and rolled his eyes right after. It made Chanyeol think that Yoongi doesn't want him anymore.

So, he distanced himself.

Chanyeol sighed and stared at Yoongi's picture in his phone. His heart started to clenched tightly and he cried. He missed talking to the elder male but he couldn't bring himself to gather some courage to text his boyfriend, in fear that his boyfriend was busy with his best friend, Heechul.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol sadly as he lay his body down next to him.

"Yeol..." he called. "Don't cry, baby Yoda," he said, wiping away those tears. "It hurts me when you're sad." Baekhyun pouted, eyes dwelled with tears as well as he hugged the taller close to his chest.

He patted his back to lull the other to sleep. "Sleep, Chanyeol. We have a concert to do tomorrow."

Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol's phone and bit his lips, contemplating whether he should send a text to Yoongi after Chanyeol's breath had even out, signaling him that the taller had already fallen asleep. He sighed and texted Yoongi.

Chanyeollie : *

Hey, Yoongi. This is Baekhyun right now. I'm not sure if he had tell you anything but we're having our tour and would be back in Korea after a few months. We're in New York, America right now.

Chanyeollie : *

Chanyeol cried every night after your argument happened. I don't want to impose your relationship problems but I'm pretty sure this avoiding thing is hurting the both of you. I hate seeing you two like this. It's made me feel anxious because Chanyeol really really loves you to the point that he would do anything for you.

Chanyeollie : *

Please fix this. It hurts me to see Chanyeol like this. He's my bestfriend and soulmate. Please do something. Yoongi, if you're reading this... I just want to tell you to stop whatever this is that you're doing.

Chanyeollie : *

Chanyeol has been having frequent nightmares and it scares me right now. He kept muttering your name and would always wake up screaming, sweating and cursing profusely but he won't tell me what his dream was about.

Chanyeollie : *

Don't toy with Chanyeol's feelings if you still liked Heechul, Yoongi. Please... He avoided you because he's scared. He's scared that if he went to see you, you would ask him for a break up.

Chanyeollie : *

He's absolutely insecure right now. I know you think that it's nothing because you know what you're doing and what your relationship with Heechul is but Chanyeol doesn't. He's under the impression that you and Heechul are going to get back together.

Chanyeollie : *

Do something, Yoongi. This silent Chanyeol is starting to scare me to death. He kept staring blankly wherever we go, he's so quiet and he's passive, Yoongi. PASSIVE. Passive and Chanyeol doesn't mix well like peanut and cucumber.

Chanyeollie : *

He misses you.

Read 3:28 p.m.

Yoongi sighed and sat down on the bed, looking at Baekhyun's text with a teary look. He missed Chanyeol too but he's scared as well, scared that the other would accuse him for playing with his feelings. He sighed again and let the text be, not knowing what to respond them with.

He bit his lips and continued his work, silent and upset.

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