Chapter 4

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I was woken the next morning by the yelling voices of Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam. Louis and Harry were yelling at Niall for dropping his tea, Niall yelled back to them and Liam was yelling at them telling them to shut up so I could get a lot of sleep and so that they didn’t wake up Zayn. That didn’t help much, granted I was already awake by the time I heard that. I crawled out of bed and trudged down the hallway and stairs to join the rest of the boys, who had calmed down.

“Little to late on the quiet factor, are we?” Niall asked before he opened his mouth and shoveled in the food from his massive plate. My eyes grew wide at all of the food he had, and then I realized: I can have some of that for myself as well. 

“Dig in, Katie!” Louis said, handing me my own plate and setting it down next to Niall. I walked quickly over to the counter-island and sat down in my seat. I picked up a pile of eggs and started to eat them, but was interrupted when we heard soft yelling.

“I’m sorry Danielle, I have to take care of her now!” Liam shouted. I looked over at one of the boys for an explanation.

“Danielle’s not used to Liam having another person in his life thats a girl, so she’s convinced they are spending the day together, when Liam was going to spend it with you.” Louis said to me, as he ate more of his plate.

“Pathetic, really.” Harry said to me. I nodded. I felt bad instantly, I didn’t want their relationship to be strained because of me. If he had promised her a head of time that he would spend today with her, then he should spend it with her today.

“Well, did he promise her already to spend the day together?” I asked them. Niall nodded. “Then he’s going to do it! He shouldn’t ditch his girlfriend like that, especially for me. I can wait another day or two.” I said to them all, a little loudly at that. Louis left the room to go talk to Liam, and I finished my breakfast. The doorbell rang, and Harry got up to get it. Niall offered to make me tea, and Zayn trudged down the stairs.

“Its morning, is there really a need to yell?!” He said to us as he sat down next to me, snatching a piece of my bacon. 

“Hey, thats my bacon!” I said to him, eating the last piece so that he wouldn’t take it. He shrugged his shoulders at me and waved behind me. Harry sat down next to me, looking cross as all hell.

“Hey Dani, he’s back there. Want a cup? Brewing for me and Katie, and the little sour-pussies if they want one.” Niall said. Danielle came all the way here to talk to Liam. Now I knew why Harry was cross. 

“No thanks, i’d like to speak to Liam. Where is he?” she asked. 

“Talking in the back with Lou.” Harry mumbled. I smacked him for being so rude. “Ow, what was that for?!” he asked me.

“Don’t be rude!” I said to him. He rolled his eyes as he started to eat my food. I smacked him again and he just kept going. I proceeded to take my food and move over to the opposite side of the counter, out of reach of Harry and Zayn. When I looked up Danielle had gone to the back, and Louis had left. 

“He’s accepted the fact that you want him to spend the day with Danielle, so instead, your spending the day with moi.” He said, gesturing to himself. “But we’re not getting off that easily. Daddy Direction gave me a list of what he wants to be done today!” he said to me. 

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