Chapter 26

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*five months after*

“Katie! Katie! Katie!” Danielle called, making a failed attempt to run, resulting in me laughing at her. “Shut up okay, I know I can’t run anymore! I guess I won’t tell you the exciting news.” 

“I’m sorry, but that was to great. Please, continue.” I said to her. She rolled her eyes as she sat down next to me on the couch. “Are those the ultra sound scans?!” I said excitedly. 

“Yeah, but don’t tell dad I told you. I want to surprise him. But i just have to tell someone, i’m so happy I can barely contain it.” she said, pulling out the picture from the envelope. I examined the picture closely, looking at its little head, feet, hands, and -

“Wait a minute, is that a-” I started, pointing to the tiny stub that could be seen from the legs.

“Yes it is! Its a boy!” she said happily. “But thats not all.”

“What do you - HOLY SHIT THERE’S TWO.” I shouted when I looked at the other picture, as she laughed at my reaction. She nodded next to me. “How could you not know this earlier?!”

“I don’t know, but one’s a boy and one’s a girl! The boy is the one below, and the girls the one above!” She said happily. “Do you think dad will be happy?” she asked me.

“Dad’s going to be more then happy, he’s going to be ecstatic. He’ll shit bricks.” I said to her. 

“What am I going to be shitting bricks about?” my father said as he entered the room, still in his rehearsal clothes. The guys would be performing tomorrow at some awards show and had a last-minute practice. 

“Well, I just got back from my ultra sound, and i think you’ll be happy.” she said to him. He took the pictures and looked at them smiling, then went into complete shock. 

Twins?! Are you serious, Danielle?” He said. She nodded as she laughed, and took his hand and placed it on the girl.

“She’s a girl.” she said, now taking his bottom hand and placing it over the boy. “And he’s a boy.” 

“Holy shit.” he said. He turned over to look at me. “What do you think?”

“I think its amazing. Two younger siblings - and one’s even a sister!” I said happily. My phone buzzed with a text, letting me know that Harry was outside. “Oh, Harry’s outside waiting for me now.” I got up and kissed my dad on the cheek and walked over to Danielle and gave her a massive hug.

“Be back by 7!” Dad called to me. 

“I know!” I shouted back to him.

Things got twenty times better after he was released from the hospital. Two days later we all discovered Danielle was pregnant again, and this time its obviously lasted longer then it previously did. Harry and I got incredibly close and dad’s even let me sleep over his a couple of times on the nights we go out. 

Eleanor and I succeeded in setting up Niall and Allie, who are as happy as can be with each other. That only left Zayn to be set up, but that was taken care of once he started dating Perrie from Little Mix, who is a big sweetheart. When Danielle was showing less, we would all go on a date, al five couples, and then watch a film and go our separate ways. Each of the boys also moved out on their own after a while, and now the flat is occupied by Louis and Eleanor, who, according to Eleanor, want to expand the Tomlinson name, if you get what I mean. 

Which also reminds me that dad and Danielle are engaged to be married, with no details set yet because we wanted to wait until after the baby was born, or now I should say babies. 

I jumped into Harry’s car on the passenger side and pecked his lips. 

“You’re in an awfully good mood. What happened?” he asked me. 

“Twins.” I said to him happily. 

“Wait, seriously? Oh god, poor Liam.” Harry said as he started to drive off. I laughed at him but got more quiet as I realized that we had left the city of London. 

“Thanks for doing this Harry.” I said to him. 

“No problem, Katie. Honestly. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else besides dad to go with you.” he said to me. I nodded. Today would be the last day we would be in Britain before the anniversary of my parents death, which would be in May. Immediately following the awards show tomorrow, we were off to the states for tour, which lasted until mid-July, thankfully before Danielle’s due date. She wouldn’t be going at all, and dad was shipping me back after May was over so she wouldn’t be by herself. 

Once we entered Wolverhampton he figured it out right away where the cemetery was and drove us there. We drove right in and parked closest to the row they were in. Harry took my hand in his for encouragement and I smiled when he did. We walked in silence for a bit and stopped when I did. 




I backed up a bit into Harry for support and he put his arms around me strongly and kissed my forehead. 

“If i were them, I’d be the proudest in the world. You overcame leukemia twice and look how strong you are.” Harry said in my ear for support. “I bet they are.”

“I guess i’m lucky I have an amazing family taking care of me.” I said to him. He smiled down at me. “You’re amazing Harry. Thanks for coming with me.”

“I love you Katie, i’d travel the world to be with you if I had to.” he said to me. He checked his phone to see the time and ushered that we had to go if I didn’t want to get in trouble. I nodded to him and took his hand once more as we left and traveled back to London. 


boring chapter, sorry. its gonna be boring for the last couple of chapters, and i'm going to fast forward time during every chapter. i think i know what i'm going to do for the last two chapters as of right now. 

thank you guys so much! the ratings on this and His Everything are phenomnial! 

just for that, i'm going to release the first chapter of His Everything early and let it out today!  you guys are awesome! go read the preview if you haven't already!

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