When You have your First Kiss with him :3

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Ticci Toby- (Got this idea from the comments)

Since Toby broke your window and Ipad, he thought he'll finally replace your broken window and Ipad. So the next day you woke up to hear a window smashing.

Curious, you walked out of your room and went into your living room to find Toby, breaking all your windows and replacing them with new ones, while eating some waffles.

"Toby, why are you breaking my windows and replacing them?" Toby sneezed and jumped through another window and broke the remains with his axes.

"I owe you, for breaking your windows and Ipad so I thought I might give you new windows too and a new Ipad...Achoo!" Toby sneezed again. "I caught Sally's cold..."

"My boyfriend, shouldn't be fixing my windows when he is sick, so take a break." Toby nodded and sat on your couch with his giant stack of 12 waffles on a plate. (Youtube video refrence :D)

"I think I owe you too." You smiled and gave Toby a kiss, then you wiped the syrup off his face.


"Masky come here please!" You heard Slenderp yell from another room.

"I'll be back (Y/N)......don't worry..." Masky waved to you, but you decided to go with him. Masky went into Slenderp's room and you waited outside.

"Thank you Masky.." Slenderp said and you went into the room and you saw your best friend in Slenderp's room.

She said Hi and Masky whispered into your ear. "Hey....I have a present for you....." Masky whispered.

You and Masky left Slennderp's room and Masky took you to his room.

You and Masky sat on his bed and slowly, he pressed his lips onto your cold face and then he gave you your own knife for kills.

"Now your my little killer.." Masky and you smiled and you gave him a kiss.

"I love it, thank you Masky."

Hoodie- (The day after you destroy the Ipad)

As you were sitting on your bed, with your phone, you have recieved a call from Hoodie.

Happilly, you answered. "Hey (Y/N), I have a present for you for killing an Ipad. Meet me at SkyandDeadLox lane. (xD More refrences to Youtube, as usual xD) Okay?" Hoodie said.

"Alright, I'll meet you there after Bart from the parody store gives me my album of Bart Baker." You said as you smiled. (xD Another refrence)

A few minutes later, you were at SkyandDeadlox lane and Hoodie was sitting on the fountain in the middle of the square.

"Hey Hoodie..." You sat on the fountain with Hoodie and he gave you a small wrapped box, with white wrapping paper and pink lace.

You smiled and sowly unwrapped it. Inside was a frickening badass awesome knife! As you took it out of the box, Hoodie gave you a kiss and you kissed back.

Eyeless Jack-

As you were googling why Miley Cyrus is a skank on your couch, Eyeless Jack came into the living room and he sat on the couch with you.

"(Y/N), why are you googling that freak of nature?" Eyeless Jack asked you.

"I wanna know why she is like this demon..." You said and Eyeless Jack watched you type on your laptop, and you just so happeed to have found a Wrecking Ball Parody by a man named Bart Baker.

E.J nodded and you clicked the video. (It should be on the side for you guys :3)

To your horror and your surprise....it was a man as Miley Cyrus...

You became filled with fear and you grabbed E.J's scapel and you dissected your laptop and you even took it's kidneys.....

"(Y/N), congratulations on your first kill, for that you get your first kiss.." Eyeless Jack lifted up his mask a bit and he leaned in and kissed you.

Laughing Jack-

As L.J was dumping his candy into a bowl so you and him could watch a movie, he accidently knocked the bowl over, causing all the precious candies to fall over. (That candy just went to waste, unless they were in wrappers......) and so you went to go help him.

You and him were almost done picking up candy, but while you guys were picking up candy, you both knocked your heads into each other.

"Ah man.....what hit me?" Laughing Jack rubbed his head and so did you. L.J, noticed you were rubbing your head. "Oh sorry, gumdrop...."

"It's fine..." You said. While you closed your eyes, L.J gave you a kiss,

"There you go gumdrop....." L.J smiled and he grabbed the bowl of candy, then went to the living room to watch a movie with his "popcorn"...

Lost Silver- (I still got to do the other stuff for Lost Silver, so I'll do that next time...and I'll also add another person this chapter too :3)

As you were playing Pokemon X, you were trying to beat the chaimpion so you can beat the game, but you were worried you were going to fail.

Lost Silver came into the room. "(Y/N)......what's.....up......?" You were down to your final Pokemon and so was the champion.

"Just playing Pokemon X and I'm about to lose or win against the champion." The champion beat all your Pokemon, by the time you said that. "No!!!!!!!!!" you cried.

Lost Silver tried to hug you, but since he didn't have his arms he couldn't.

So, why not kiss you?

Lost Silver reached in and gave you a kiss and somehow, your 3ds glowed and it said. "Love Birds...." in Unknown Language.

Our new Creepypasta Boyfriend, Homicidal Liu!

Liu- (Next chapter, I'll do all the missing parts for him and Lost Silver)

As you were waiting outside of a room for Liu, you heard shouting in the room.

"Liu, I know you're a killer now, but that doesn't mean you gotta keep repeating it in front of my face!"

"Jeff, I never try to, I just like to remind you that you may be a better killer then me, but I'm older then you!"

You were getting really sick of standing there and hearing all the arguing so you decided to sleep on the ground.

(Timeskip.....a few minutes later....)

As you were sleeping, you were being shook awake. You opened your eyes slowly and saw Liu in front of you.

"(Y/N), you alright love?" You stood up and Liu wrapped an arm around you.

"Yeah, I just got tired from your conversation with your brother..." You rubbed your eye.

"Can I make it up to you for waiting so much?" He asked.

You nodded and he grabbd your chin and he pulled you closer to him and gave you a kiss.

Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed the new chappy and don't worry, I'll be posting the next chapter way earlier then how long this one took. :) -SerebiiWolf

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