Chapter 5

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                                                    * *          Siena's point of view            * * 

"Si, come on it's been a week already. Are you going to tell me what happened at the party?" Terra asked.

I sighed while barring my face in my knees. Everytime I even though of the party my eyes swelled with tears. Maybe I was just being too emotional about the whole thing, but what Beck did really hurt. I mean finally my crush notices me but only so he and his crew can mess with my emotions.

"Si?" Terra exclaimed, her voice wavered with worry. 
"We-wwe kissed!" I murmered into my legs. I secretly hoped Terra couldn't hear me, but she caught on.

"What!?!? He kissed you? Or wait you kissed him? More details please?"

I groaned inwardly before spilling my guts about the night of the party. Terra sat beside me, quiet as a mouse, eyes as wide as saucers. When I finished the whole room grew quiet, too quiet. I lifted my head out of my knees to face Terra; her hazel eyes bored into mine. The intesity of her stare and the sad expression on her face was just too much, a single tear slid down my cheek.

"Aw, Si come here." I moved closer to Terra snuggling into her shoulder.

"I know," I croaked, "I'm overreacting I just thought he really liked me, you know?"

I could feel Terra move her head in a nod. "Hey I know what will make you feel better, I'll be right back," she exclaimed before jumping up and rushing out of my room.

I exhaled, closing my eyes and leaned my head against the side of the bed. 
The past week at school had been pure hell, I tried to avoid Beck and his posse as much as possible. News of the alleged "fight" between Beck and I had gotten out around school; people I didn't even know walked up to me asking if I had really kicked Beck in the nuts or punched him the the stomach. Terra had gotten really good at doing the stink eye to ward people off; with out her I don't know what I would've done. I hadn't gone to history all of last week feigning sick everyday during sixth hour I went and chilled in the nurses office, luckly the nurse was nice enough to let me stay there, although she did suggest I see the counsler about what was really bothering me.

The hardest part though was having to see the she devil herself everyday, it was like she was trying to find me everywhere I went. I passed her in the hall or in the bathroom every time she'd have a huge ugly smile on her face, if I had the courage to b**** slap that girl I would've done it in a heart beat but of couse that would only give her more joy seeing as I'd probably get suspended.

The door creaked open jolting me from my thoughts about Beck. "Surprise!" Terra yelled while holding a huge bowl out to me. A smile instantly grew on my face, cookie dough ice cream always made me feel better.

"Thanks Terra, you're the best!" I mummbled while shoving a huge spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. 

                                                   * *              Nadia's point of view       * * 

The buzzing from my nightstand woke me up. I moaned as I slowly sat up crap it was already 12:15 I usually didn't sleep this late; my head ached from sleeping so long. I lazily grabbed my vibrating phone from my nightstand and flipped it open, I groaned as 4 new messages flashed across the screen. I knew they were all from Tyrone begging me to call him.

Baby please call me
Have you been avoiding me? 
I miss you babe, text me back! 
Hey I enjoyed myself at the party, I bet you did too. We should get together and do it again ;)

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