Chapter Twelve

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Terra and I rushed up the school stairs and into the main hallway, people gave us dirty looks as we pushed them out of the way I ignored them, they were walking to slow anyways. Terra and I had forgotten to set an alarm we both woke up late and had to rush to get out the door now there were only 10 minutes before the first bell rang and I still had to get to my locker then get to class, in this big school I needed all the time I could get. I waved Terra goodbye before rushing to my locker.

I slowed down as I neared my locker, Terrance was leaning against the locker next to mine with his eyes closed like he was sleeping. For a moment I considered just going to class I didn't feel like talking to Terrance especially after yesterday but I needed the stuff out of my locker.

"Hey Siena."

I ignored Terrance if he was going to start lecturing me about Beck I didn't want to hear it.

"Girl you just gonna ignore me?"

I continued to switch out the materials I would need for my morning classes while trying to ignore Terrance but it was becoming increasingly harder I did not want him to make a scene.

"What do you want Terrance?" I asked.

Why of all mornings did he chose today? I was tired and all I wanted to do was get to class so I could rest.

"I wanted to apologize about yesterday."

I slammed my locker closed and turned towards him. "Just let me ask why am I in the middle of your stupid gang feud?"

"Because you shouldn't be with him Siena."

I rolled my eyes and marched away I was so sick and tired of everyone hating on Beck and I, I swear the next person to say something about Beck was going to get it. The first half of the morning felt long and painful I had trouble paying attention in class my mind was otherwise occupied with thoughts of Beck. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that no one was happy for me and my new relationship, except maybe Terra. The anger was starting to build though I could feel myself grow tense every time someone wanted to talk to me or every time someone whispered about the fight between Beck and Damon. I didn’t understand why everyone was so judgmental? If I could over look Beck’s past then so should everybody else it pissed me off that Terrance and Tyrone felt they had to watch over me, like I was their irrational little sister. I couldn’t help but wonder if they all hate Beck just because he isn’t black. I knew the interracial dating was a touchy subject specifically to those old- fashion- type- people believe you shouldn’t date outside your own race but I never thought my own sister would feel that way or even Terrance and Tyrone, I know those two have dated plenty of white girls before so why should my situation be any different?

“Hey Siena.”

I flinched when I heard my name causing the tip of my pencil to break, I was scribbling in my notebook so hard the pencil broke through the page a couple of times. To those sitting next to me I probably looked like I should be in a psychiatric hospital.

“Yeah?” I asked the guy who had whispered my name.

“Your phone is flashing.” He pointed to my short’s pocket where my cell phone stuck out. Sure enough my phone was flashing that familiar green announcing someone had either called me or texted me. I smiled a quick thanks before slowly taking my phone out, I usually wasn’t one to text in class but I was curious to see who it was.

Five new text messages from Beck lit up the screen.

Hey are you at school yet?

Where are you?

I tried calling you last night, are you mad at me?

Meet me outside during lunch

Never mind, meet me in the science wing at the start of lunch.

I had been so busy last night and this morning that I hadn’t realized Beck had tried to reach me I felt bad for ignoring him but then again I had spent most of my time defending him. The bell rang, signaling lunch time, causing me to jump in my seat. I made my way to the science wing in a matter of minutes I had not realized how excited I was to see Beck after yesterday. The science wing was pretty quiet at this time in the day, most of the teachers ate in the teachers lounge and students who ate in the hallway rarely sat in the science wing therefore it was dead quiet. I didn’t see Beck yet so I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes I did not realize how tired I really was I let my body slide down the wall until I reached the ground. If Beck did not come soon I could always take a nap here.


I jumped, my eyes instantly flew open I groaned and slowly stood up.

“Terrance are you following me? Your really starting to get on my nerves,” I growled.

“Well you ran away from me this morning, I just wanted to finish talking.”

I could feel the anger start to bubble up inside of me. I sighed trying to keep my cool. “I don’t have anything to talk about with you.”

“Please don’t yell Si come on you know I’m just tryna help you out.”

I couldn’t hold it in any longer the anger was just too much. “I am not a little girl Terrance I don’t need your help I did not ask for your help and there is nothing for you to help me with so leave me alone.”

Grabbing my backpack I slung it over my shoulder and started to walk away this crap was getting old real quick. “Siena I am not done talking to you,” Terrance yelled.

I tried to tune him out and continued to walk down the hall. Suddenly Terrance was next to me he pulled me from behind pinning me up against the wall. My heart started to race I had never been afraid of Terrance but at this moment I felt scared for my life. Terrance glared at me his breathing coming in ragged short breaths like he was trying to control his anger.

“Siena you have to listen to me--”

“What is going on here?” Beck asked.

I sighed relived Beck had finally showed up who knew what would have happened if he hadn’t. I squeezed out of Terrance’s hold and ran to Beck who stepped in front of me to shield me from Terrance.

“I said what is going on here? Why are you pinning her up against the wall like that?” Beck yelled. His body was tense like he was ready to beat the crap out of Terrance at any moment. I was suddenly afraid Beck was going to get into another fight, I grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it just so he would know I was okay.
“Dude don’t even talk to me did you already forget what happened yesterday?” Terrance spat back.

Beck growled and took a step towards Terrance, I squeezed Beck’s hand trying to hold him back.

“Don’t you dare touch her again.”

“Or what white boy, you going to call your mommy and have me expelled?”

Beck dropped my hand and rushed over to where Terrance stood. They both stood only inches apart each scowling at the other.

“You want to fight tough guy?” Beck questioned.

“Bring it.”

“After school then.”

“Winner gets the girl,” Terrance stated.

I wanted to yell at both of them to stop being so stupid but I was afraid they would start fighting right here in the hallway. 

Beck froze, “I’m not betting on Siena.”

Terrance crossed his arms and smirked at Beck. “You afraid you gonna lose?”

Beck growled he brought up his hand for a moment I thought he was going to punch Terrance before he poked him on the chest.

“Fine, winner gets Siena. Loser has to leave her alone.”

They did some weird handshake before Terrance sauntered off. I stood in a daze did Beck really just bet a fight on me?

“You’re not fighting,” I said as Beck came walking back towards me.

“Why not?” Beck asked.

I sighed did this guy have any self control? “Because you could get in trouble again.”

“It’s after school Siena and I didn’t get in trouble for hitting Damon.”

I scrunched up my face in surprise. “You didn’t?”

“Nah my parents had to come in they worked it out.”

“Are you saying you bribed the school?”

“No, I didn’t do anything.”

“But you just--”
Becks’ lips were on mine, I sighed giving in and kissing him back his bottom lip was still healing so I tried not to be too rough. Beck nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance but I pulled away with a big smile on my face.

“Damn you just like to tease me,” Beck groaned.

“Were in school lets keep it PG-13 okay.”

“But nobody is around,” Beck stated before placing his lips on mine again.

I pulled away laughing, he was so cute when he wanted something. “Lunch is almost over we should get to class.”

“Why it’s not like I’ma be able to focus.”

I rolled my eyes and dragged him down the hall to our history class. I couldn’t focus on anything in my last three classes of the day my mind kept wandering back to Beck and Terrance fighting after school even though Beck claimed they wouldn’t get in trouble I had my doubts. When the last bell of the day rang I rushed outside to find Beck, maybe I could convince him to forget about the whole thing. Beck wasn’t outside when I got there I had a sick feeling in my stomach that he was somewhere preparing for the fight. I sighed and leaned against the railing as I watched students and teachers get in there cars and drive away.

“Siena,” Terra yelled as she rushed down the school stairs. “What is this I hear about Beck and Terrance fighting?” She asked after she caught her breath.

Of course news of the fight had spread around school kids were already forming a circle in the center of the parking lot where no cars were. The thought of people getting entertainment out of them fighting made me nauseous. I never thought I’d see the day where two guys were fighting over me, I always thought it would be romantic, they would both shower me with gifts trying to beat the other one but this, this stupid fight is not what I had wanted.

“They got into an argument at lunch, there fighting over me.”

Terra’s eyes grew big she grabbed my hand and dragged me down to where the other’s were waiting for the fight to happen.

“You have to stop them Si.”

“How Terra, I can’t just jump into the middle of there fight without getting hurt in the process.”

“Man I wish I had two guys fighting over me.”

I rolled my eyes at the same moment I saw Beck push his way through the crowd a roar of cheers erupted into the air. Beck looked angry and determined the scars on his face from yesterday’s fight made him look tough. When the roars died down Terrance entered the circle and another loud roar erupted, I noticed the guys from Terrance’s gang all in the center of the circle to egg him on.

Terra squeezed my hand at the same time I closed my eyes. I really did not want to see this. The crowd grew silent then loud with cheers and boo’s as the first punch was thrown, the loud smack could be heard above all the noise. I opened my eyes, relived that Terrance had been the one to feel the blow of that loud punch. Terrance staggered back but was pushed back into the center from someone in the crowd he got a few good punches to Beck’s stomach and face before Beck grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Both guys were bleeding and breathing heavily the sight of the thick red blood running down the pavement made my stomach churn.

“I’m going in,”I yelled to Terra. She slowly nodded but didn’t say anything. It took awhile to push my way through the crowd no one wanted to budge from their spot. I sneaked my in until I was in the inner circle right where all the action was. This was not something I’d ever imagined I would do if I didn’t care for Beck I would let him beat the crap out of Terrance but Terrance hadn’t hurt me today when he pinned me against the wall, he didn’t deserve to be beat up.

Terrance and Beck took a moment to recover from the beating on the ground they both stood up, there was enough room in between the two of them that if I stood there I hopefully wouldn’t get punched in the face. Almost un-consciencally my legs moved into the ring where they were fighting, I squeezed my eyes shut and stood between them almost immediately boo’s broke out from the crowd.

“Siena move,” Beck growled.

“Girl move don’t you see we are doing something,” Terrance hissed.

“Stop fighting, your being stupid. Both of you are stupid,” I spat. “Sorry this fight is over, go home,” I yelled to the crowd. People stood there ground as if one of the guys were going to push me to the side and continue fighting.

“Forget this shit,” Terrance yelled.

The crowd slowly started to disperse until only Beck and I were standing in the middle of the parking lot. Beck’s cut above his eyebrow had reopened and was now spewing blood down his face.


“Dammit Siena,” Beck yelled angrily. He marched over to his truck and started banging on the glass with so much force I though he would break it.

“Beck stop,” I pleaded.

Beck turned towards me the blood on his face was starting to dry, he growled at me. “Why did you stop it? Why did you stop the fight?”

I was taken a back by the venom in his voice why was he mad at me? I saved his stupid butt once again. “I saved your butt, don’t yell at me.”

“I almost had him Siena. I could have gotten that N*gger to leave you alone.”

I froze did Beck really just say the N word and to my face? “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“What?” Beck asked. His face scrunched up like he was deep in thought. “Siena that just came out, I didn’t mean it.”

“Is that what you think of me? I’m just an N word?” I was starting to get furious, I spent all this time defending Beck and now he was turning out to be the dangerous jerk everyone said he was.

“No Siena,” Beck sighed. “Baby please don’t be like that you know I don’t care about race. It it just came out.”

I felt like beating Beck up and kissing him at the same time, he had never called me baby before just hearing him say it made my heart swell.

“Can we just go?” I asked. I had gotten Terra to cover for me so Beck and I could finish our project, because of this stupid fight it was already an hour after school ended.

“Um yeah, sure.”

I sighed as I got into Beck’s truck the ride to his house was dead silent. I was still mad at him for that racial comment and for actually fighting Terrance. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him giving me worried glances. We pulled up to a giant house it looked different being here in the daylight. It was a big sand colored brick house with 3 garage doors and huge stairs leading to the giant red front doors.

“Are you getting out?” Beck asked.


Beck sighed before getting out of the car, I knew I was acting like a big baby but I was tired and everyone was getting on my nerves. Suddenly my car door opened, Beck leaned in unbuckled my seat belt and picked my up. I shrieked until he put me down. Some how he had wiped the dried blood off of his face he smirked at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Your mad at me, huh?”

I nodded. Suddenly Beck’s lips were on mine, just like that I relaxed and gave into him. I kissed him back and this time when he asked for entrance I let him in. I sighed enjoying the taste of him in my mouth. Beck’s hands slowly moved to my butt he lightly squeezed my butt cheeks causing me to moan into his mouth, he smirked against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss Beck started to softly kiss my neck, a spark of electricity spread through my body every time he kissed me.

“Damn you and those short short are going to drive me crazy,” Beck whispered into my ear.


This Chapter is not edited, I haven't really proof read this either I just wanted to get it out so sorry if there are a lot of grammar/ spelling mistakes.

I hope you liked this chapter it was fun to write.

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