Year 3

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"Eleanor! Draco! Come down, your Hogwarts letter have arrived!" Narcissa exclaimed.

"Coming, Aunt Cissy!" Eleanor yelled back weakly. She had been thinking about a shift coming up. She was dreading it terribly.

Ella was running down the stairs when her dear cousin, Draco came out of his gianormous bedroom amused at the sight of a tired Eleanor running.

"What do we need this year, mother?" Draco asked Narcissa Malfoy.

"Yeah? What do we need, aunt Cissy?"

"That's strange! Monster Book of Monsters! That thing's deadly! It could kill Ne- Someone! It must be that big oaf Hagrid, but why would Professor Dumbledore allow him to be a Professor? He's stupid!" Eleanor ranted after Narcissa gave them their letters and the two walked away reading them.

"You've got that right, Lupin!" Draco exclaimed.

"You've got that right, Malfoy" She mocked before sticking her tongue out.

He Shook his head and the two walked to the game room where lots of memories consisted.

The memories consisting of Draco attempting to get his cousin to play muggle games that he likes while she sits there refusing because she was reading one of the many books at the Manor.

When they arrived at their destination they walked into their friends whom probably let their selves in, playing Uno (a muggle card game).

"Can we join you? Because you know it's our house?" Eleanor asked.

"Sure!" The cheeky male replied.


"Uno, b****es!" Pansy exclaimed obviously happy she won against Eleanor, as Eleanor had won at least 10 times in a row.

"I think Elle went into shock." stated Blaise looking at the blonde he considered a sister.

"That's a first." Draco spoke for the first time since he lost, so horribly against his 'cousin' having to pick up 34 cards.

"He speaks!" exclaimed Pansy  Parkinson.

"Shut up, Pugface!" Eleanor snapped.

That had shut up the Pugface really quickly.

"You lot have to leave. It's half past nine"

"Father will be here soon, E" Draco said.

"No! I would've never guessed!" Eleanor snapped.

"Bye, everyone I'm going to hibernate in my thoughts." Eleanor stated.


"I love you. Kids! I'll see you during holiday break" said Narcissa.

"Bye." Elle mumbled wanting to get onto the train as soon as possible because her head was in horrible pain, due to her most recent and worst transformation yet.

She has quite a collection of scars now! She's only thirteen.

While the sick girl was looking to the Golden quad, which consisted of Harry and Rosalind Potter, Ronald weasley and Hermione Granger, Eleanor ran into Neville Longbottom whom looked very distraught.

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