[22] - Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

He sighed, “Yes.”

“Well, fine then,” Kale sighed. “Father or whatever at least you’re still in and since you are, you get to pick on which girl I should date next.”

“What? But I never did that!” Dean gasped. “I’m going to either!

“Ugh, he’s so stubborn!” Austen complained with an annoyed sigh. “Scott, can you beat him up this time?”

“I never beat him up,” Scott sighed, “And I’m not going too, he’s just in a lot of pain right now.”

“I don’t want to be a part of this,” Dean wailed quietly. “Please!”

“Get over it man!” Kale and Austen yelled at him together.

“I’m an ass”

“Why do you keep saying that?” Scott asked with a clueless tone.

“Don’t you get Scott,” He responded to him. “This is wrong!”

“I’m going to beat you up if you keep complaining,” Austen sighed. “Gosh, he’s so annoying. Mrs. Rial obviously has a thing for him and she asked him out first.”

“Yeah,” Scott agreed sighing. “Mrs. Rial kept flirting with him out of the blue and they fell in love, simple as that. Love isn’t wrong.”

“It’s not love!” Dean disagreed loudly. “Mrs. Rial is married!”

“She never talks about her husband so why should I care?” Kale wondered.

Dean gasped, “Kale—

“Ugh, I’m so done with you GET OVER IT!” Austen exclaimed loudly with an annoying scoff. “That’s it!” And with that, I heard him punches, screaming, and kicks.

“NO! I will not get over it! I’m out of here!” Dean shouted furiously his voice sounded so sad that I realized quickly that he was crying.

“You’re going to give up everything for that ugly and gullible fool and for your guilt?” Austen asked. “I’ll give you another black eye for that!” I heard another, shout, scream, and punch but this time it was different.

“That’s right, I can fight back,” Dean said painfully. “Look, Kale, Austen, and Scott, I’m done. I’m sorry, but I’m done. I’m not going to stand here and let you guys plan on using another girl, just no. McKenzie was a nice girl, guys. She didn’t deserve that okay, she was already getting bullied, you—

“No one cares about her!” Austen interrupted. “Have I not made myself clear?”

“You have but I didn’t choose to listen,” Dean snapped at him.

“If you leave Dean, then fine,” Scott with an annoyed sigh, “but you cannot tell anyone about this.”

“I can’t do that,” Dean said.

“Then be less observant,” Austen told him, “like you did with McKenzie—

“Shut up!” Dean shouted at him, “Don’t you dare—

“I thought you were leaving,” Kale laughed. “Oh and if you tell anyone, I’ll make your Dad does it to you again tonight.”

“What?” Dean asked in shock his voice suddenly turning more quiet and full of fear.

“You know what,” Kale chuckled evilly.

I ran away from the restroom and towards a nearby corner just as soon as Dean walked out, his face bruised and left eye swollen shut. I noticed that there were tears in his eyes as he walked away from the scene.

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