[07]- Chapter Seven

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“So let me get this straight, you are going on a date with Kale?” Stefanie beamed into the phone. “Oh my gosh, I’m so happy for you! I knew you could do it!”

My cheeks flushed, I was still pretty shocked about Kale asking me to watch Frozen with him and for the fact that he loved hanging out with me. This never really happened before and know I now I might be the girl he likes. However, for the first time, I’m actually confident about this subject. I haven’t seen my insecurity ghost for a couple days since the day he asked me out and I was relieved.

Now I can shop for something to wear to the date in piece. “Yes, it’s a date, I guess.” I murmured shyly. “I’m pretty shocked myself.”

“Why? He’s lucky to go out with you McKenzie, you’re beautiful.” Stefanie complimented and I felt my cheeks heat up once again. Maybe she was right; I had to find beauty in myself after all. I couldn’t even explain but also for the first time, I couldn’t tell her otherwise.

“Thanks Stef, I’ve got to go find the perfect outfit now. I’ll text you.”

“Okay, have fun on your date!” She chirped happily before hanging up. Slipping my phone back into a pocket, I smiled. It has actually been a great Friday after all. No one really made fun of me and Kale waved at me right in front of the yearbook girl who claimed she felt “sorry” for me but I bet she was just jealous. 

I haven’t really seen Dean since he said no to my request of him sitting next to me at lunch, I hope he’s okay. My thoughts drifted away and I focused on finding the perfect outfit in Kohls. Looking through the rack, I spotted this cute blue top with a cute gray jacket, leggings, cute flats, and a pair of small blue earrings.

“Perfect” I whispered to myself and pulled the outfit out of the rack and luckily it appeared to be in my size. Putting the outfit in my cart, I sighed happily with satisfaction and knew that now I was ready, I could leave now.

Pushing the cart towards toward the one of the lines, my smiled turned upside down. The lines were packed and it seemed like everyone wanted to buy the entire store. I decided to just go to lane number three since it had the least amount of people. Once I’ve approached the line, I pulled out my phone and took a picture of my outfit.

When I was done, I sent to Stefanie saying: I’m going to wear this! You like?

A beat later, Stefanie responded: Yes, it’s very McKenzie like <3.

I giggled at her response and just as I was about to reply, someone stepped on my foot. “Hey!” I exclaimed out of pure shock but then I noticed that it was a little girl. She had bright hazel eyes and as soon she turned to me, she looked very sad. I also noticed that she didn’t have any hair; she must have or had cancer.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted Skittles but it’s so far up.” The little girl said with a frown on her face. “But my brother won’t let me buy skittles; he says it’s not good for me.”

But before I could reply, Dean suddenly appeared in front of me and scooped up the little girl in his arms. “May, I told you not to run off like that.” Turning to me, he was about to apologize but then he recognized me. “McKenzie?”

“Hi Dean,” I replied back to him. “Is she your sister? She seems like a sweetheart.” I smiled, she really did.

Ignoring my question he asked me, “Did she hurt you?”

“No, it’s good.” I said to him with a reassured smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Who’s McKenzie?” May asked I’m guessing her brother as she played with his hair and I giggled at this.

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