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"Careful on what you wish for"


Ginnifer stared at the woman in front of her in shock.

Here she thought she was helping he mother, stealing the water to heal her when she had been tricked into doing it.

"The Scarlet Queen" Ginnifer breathed out in shock, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as Sara morphed into the vicious Queen of the land.

The Queen smirked, looking down at the girl "I'd say kneel, but for what I made you go through..." She swept a hand lazily, gesturing at Ginnifer, smiling mischievously "I'll let it pass, darling"

"But... How..." Ginnifer stuttered brokenly, staring at the floor trying to wrap her head around the situation. "Why?"

The Queen clicked her tongue in mock sympathy "Ah, sweetheart. It's easy, I wanted that magic. I needed someone dumb enough to fall for my tricks to get to the Well of Wonders" She hummed softly, looking at Ginnifer up and down "I'll admit I was a bit skeptical and a little concerned you were going to fail me, but you didn't. You actually went through it! I'm impressed"

Ginnifer now in tears, felt her heart breaking. She was a fool.

"Where's my mother?" Ginnifer asked through gritted teeth.

"Think, sweetheart" The Queen told her "She was a dead end. Not useful for me" She chuckled darkly. Ginnifer looked up in broken realization "What do I do to useless people?"

"No..." Ginnifer sobbed, feeling her knees shaking but didn't show it. "She's not.. You didn't..."

"Yes, I did..." The Queen said simply. "Now, that I have what I wanted, you're not useful for me anymore" a fireball formed in her hand, raising her hand, shooting it to Ginnifer

A glimmering light formed around the crying girl, making the fire fade away.

Both women stared at the space between them speechless when a figure made of water formed between them, showing Nyx glaring at both women.

"Not violence in my territory" The Guardian spoke with an aggravated voice, shooting them both dark looks.

"Nyx..." Ginnifer whispered, feeling ashamed of what she had done.

Nyx snapped her head toward Ginnifer in a quick motion startling her, "You let your desires override my warning that not everyone deserved to be saved" She shoot the Scarlett Queen a dark look which the Queen returned with a smirk. The reason she was yet to leave was her curiosity. She wanted to kill Ginnifer but she figured whatever the Guardian had in store for her was worst than death, so to say she was curious to see that was an understatement "You played with Fate, you gave someone power it wasn't meant to be for. Now, it will be your fate to serve the desires of others, like it served yours"

Golden light began forming around the broken girl, blowing her hair behind her back as some kind of bracelets formed in her arms. Her eyes widened in fear as a golden smoke covered her entirely and sucked her into a small golden lamp that Nyx held in her hands.

The Scarlett Queen pursed her lips as soon as the lamp disappeared with flash of light "What did you do?"

Nyx didn't answer, giving her one last look before disappearing back to the well.

The Queen just smirked still curious as she walked away "I will find out"



Ginnifer slowly opened her eyes, looking around her in confusion as she slowly stood up, eyeing the small rounded room she was at.

It was very simple but it contained everything a house held but in one room. A small closet, a bed with colorful pillows and a comfy blanket, a vanity, a door that seemed to lead to a bathroom and a small kitchen. The walls were golden with colorful decoration and colorful looking stars. At one of the rounded walls there was a big hole that seemed to have no end as she walked closer to it. It seemed like a ramp as she tried to look further up trying to find a way out. It looked more like a window more than anything but without the sight of the sky.

Ginnifer backed away confused, trying to figure it out where she was as she began rubbing her wrists. She stopped however when instead of feeling skin she felt something cold and metallic. She looked down, eyes widening at the bracelet looking cuffs around her wrists that she tried to peel off without any success.

She began hyperventilating in panic "What's happening?!" She cried out in agony, looking around for a way out "Where am I?!"

It was so sudden the shift she felt within her as if something within had tied her up to someone else, looking up in fear as a golden smoke surrounded her making her disappear and traveled up to the window hole.

Ginnifer opened her eyes as she saw the golden cloud disappear from her sight, having to cover her eyes due to bright sunlight, cringing.

"What...?" Ginnifer murmured in confusion until a gasp made her turn around.

In front of her stood a girl a little bit younger than herself staring at Ginnifer in awe, wide eyed. In her hands she held a small golden lamp.

"You-You-" The girl stuttered, eyes widening more if that was posible.

Ginnifer stared at the girl as something clicked in her head. She was the tied up feeling she had sensed within her. She was linked to this girl.

With that realization, Ginnifer knew exactly what to say and how to act much to her own confusion "That's right, master" she deadpanned, smirking at her expression "I am at your service. Three wishes. But I warn you, honey.... Be careful on what you wish for"

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