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"High Heels are not for running, Princess"


"Jasmine" Ginny called out as she walked through the woods, looking for her and the Oracle. "Blondie?"

"She's not here" Jasmine walked closer from between some trees, looking upset, glancing at her wrist watch "We agreed on meeting her at this time"

Ginny bit on her lip, nodding slightly "I know and we're gonna find her. We're getting closer in finding Aladdin. I can feel it now"

Jasmine looked up in surprise "You can? How?"

Ginny wore a small grin, "Consider it some kind of Master-Genie connection"

Jasmine chuckled in relief, "That's good. The more you spend in Storybrooke then, the connection will get stronger and we'll be able to find him"

Ginny forced a smile, hiding her hands behind her back. She knew her time was running out and she didn't have too much but she wasn't going to crumble her friend's hopes. She just hoped they indeed found him and her lamp in time, "Of course. He's been in possession of my lamp for a long time. Our connection is stronger so I can find him"

Jasmine smiled, hugging her friend, "Thank you"

Ginny smiled slightly, reluctantly returning the hug. "Now, we have an oracle to find"

Jasmine pulled away, nodding. "Yeah, we do. Come on"

Ginny's smile fell slightly, looking down, following Jasmine.


It didn't take them to long to find the young blonde sitting on a branch.

"Blondie?" Ginny frowned, kneeling in front of her but gasped upon seeing her state, jumping back in shock "Oh, Merlin! Who could have done that?!"

Jasmine, alarmed by her shout walked closer and saw what Ginny did, "She's dead" she said sadly, looking up at the Genie in sorrow, "Someone killed her"

They both lowered her heads in silence, giving their respects to their fallen friend.

Their moment of silence was interrupted by voices coming closer. Ginny and Jasmine exchanged a worried look.

"If we stay here we can be accused of murder" Jasmine told her in panic.

"Let's hide" Ginny suggested calmly, grabbing the princess' shoulders, turning her around, pushing her lightly toward the trees so they could hide.

They managed to hide just in time as a blonde woman and a man reached the Oracle's body. They easily recognized the woman as the Sheriff of the Town and the man as the therapist. 

The sheriff reached the Oracle, "Hello?"

The sheriff placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, leaning forward to see her but the girl's body wasn't stable enough that she fell forward, seeing what Ginny and Jasmine had seen. Her pale dead skin with some poison marks in the side of her neck.

The Sheriff froze in shock.

The therapist, alarmed went to the dead girl's body to check on her "Oh, no. Is she..."

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