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"The Genie Awakens"


After recruiting Aladdin to help her defeat Jafar, her father's advisor, Princess Jasmine of Agrabah lead them through the desert on their way to the Cave of Wonders to find the most powerful magic in the realm, a weapon called the Diamond in the Rough.

Aladdin, still skeptical continued questioning the Princess as they walked through the desert "So this Diamond in the Rough, it's a jewel, a weapon?"

Jasmine refrained herself from rolling her eyes, grunting in frustration "You'll learn all you need to once we reach the Cave of Wonders"

"Cave of Wonders?" Aladdin repeated, squinting his eyes due to hot sunlight

"The stories say that's where it will be discovered" Jasmine explained.

Aladdin stopped walking, letting Jasmine lead the way "Stories?" He repeated in amusement, and frustration. Jasmine bit back a groan, turning to face him "This... this journey's based on stories?"

"I was a bored princess in a palace full of books" Jasmine defended herself, "I did some reading"

"This, um, Cave of Wonders" Aladdin began innocently. Jasmine tilted her head, shooting him a look, knowing there was nothing of innocent coming from a thief "It's 'wonders', plural?" Jasmine scoffed, looking way "'Cause as silly as the name sounds, wonders can be profitable"

Jasmine glanced at him as they continued walking "This is not a scavenger hunt"

"That's exactly what it is, actually" Aladdin replied, smiling slightly.

"What it is, is serious" Jasmine told him sighing, looking at Aladdin scoldingly "Please stop thinking of only yourself"

Aladdin tilted his head aside, raising his eyebrows "Your Highness is rather judgy"

Jasmine pursed her lips, "Hey, I could be back at my palace comfortable, even with Jafar" Aladdin smiled sarcastically, "I'm out here trying to make a change, to better the world"

"You do realize it's been suffering for a long time?" Aladdin questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"What?" Jasmine asked quietly.

"You can't blame it all on Jafar" Aladdin said, quietly laughing, "See, being stuck inside those palace walls surrounded by books, you don't see it. Hmm"

"See what?" Jasmine asked softly.

Aladdin turned back to her, explaining how Agrabah had been suffering and how she hadn't noticed it until the royal family became affected as well, calling Jasmine selfish as she just walked away, trying to not let his words affect her and continue her mission, wanting to be a hero. And even if they insulted each other for a few seconds, Aladdin still managed to make her smile giving her an apple he had stole from a street vendor.

It wasn't long before they found in the middle of the desert a cave entrance with a lion head made of sand.

"I'm guessing that's it" Aladdin said looking at the cave, "Not just a tiger-shaped outhouse?"

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