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"Welcome to Storybrooke"

There was a town in the Land Without Magic named Storybrooke. By some reason, a man named Hyde made an entire land, the Land of Untold Stories to be precise travel to this world so the time could run again and their stories could be played themselves again.

Among them, a woman who was a Princess and her acquaintances also were in that town. Each one of them with specific missions.

The princess met with one of her acquaintances right before clases at Storybrooke's high school began. Both of them had easily adjusted to the modern attire the land provided after settling down.

The former princess was holding a stack of books in her hands as she fixed her white shirt. "This is weird. This clothing feels weird" The princess fiddled with her scarf, glancing at her friend as they walked closer to the school "But, it is necessary to blend in, right Ginny?"

Ginny, like the princess had adjusted pretty well. It was no struggle for her at all do it as she was already used to it. She was wearing jeans, a brown shirt and white unbuttoned flannel shirt.

"Indeed it is, Jasmine" Ginny told her, smiling reassuringly. "We have to try. She told us he was here. So he must. And wherever he is, the lamp has to be close"

Jasmine furrowed her eyebrows lightly, "I could never understand how that works, even after you explained it to me. How can you not find your lamp? I thought you could"

"I'm afraid I've been too long separated from the lamp that somehow I cannot return to it without him" Ginny explained with a calm expression. Jasmine still looked concerned. Ginny smiled reassuringly "This is not the first time it happens, Jasmine. I've always managed to return in time"

"In time?" Jasmine repeated incredulously, "Gin. This is serious"

"Concentrate on your mission, Jas" Ginny ignored her concern, playing with the cuff in her wrist, absentmindedly "We can worry about me later"

The bell ringing saved them from continuing their conversation.

Jasmine turned to her friend with pursed lips, pointing at her "This conversation isn't over"

Jasmine started to walk away, toward the school.

"See you later, Shirin!" Ginny called out, waving.

Jasmine looked over her shoulder, waving back "See you after school, Louise!"

Ginny smiled slightly to herself before walking away.


Main Street

Ginny walked slowly all the way down the sidewalk, holding a piece of blue cloth in her hands. Her eyes flickered to each building, until she stopped right outside of a pawn shop.

"Here feels stronger" Ginny murmured to herself.

Ginny stared at the door, placing a hand on top of her sapphire colored necklace.

Only a few seconds later, the door slowly opened by itself making Ginny's lips flicker with a ghost of a smile, walking inside, carefully closing closing the door. "Alright. Where could you be?"

Without touching anything, the brunette started looking for each corner, closing her eyes and focusing but every time she came with nothing, she opened her eyes in frustration.

After ten minutes of searching, she cursed loudly in Arabic, picking up a glass, throwing it against the wall, breathing heavily "You can not hide my home forever, Al" she murmured, staring down down at her hand that began glowing with a sickly pale color. She made her hand a fist, forcing the glowing to stop as she looked up with a expression of fear, masking it as she took a deep breath. "You cannot hide for ever"

After cleaning up the mess she made, she left the pawn shop without looking back.



Jasmine walked through the woods, coming across a well.

It was the safest place she, Ginny and their friend had agreed on meeting each other at the end of the day.

Jasmine, unlike Ginny who found nothing had had an interesting day with Princess Snow White.

"You can come out now" Jasmine called out.

"Where have you been?" A young blonde girl questioned, walking out of the shadows with Ginny at her side.

The brunette had her lips pursed in a thin line and her arms crossed. It seemed like she and the Oracle -how the girl called herself- had had a heated conversation before Jasmine arrived and Ginny wasn't pleased with that.

"I had to wait until dark to make sure it was safe" Jasmine explained.

The Oracle nodded slightly, "Then they still don't know who you really are?"

"They have no idea" Jasmine reassured. "And what of your mission? Have you found any evidence he's here?"

Ginny looked away, making a face.

The blonde girl shook her head "No. But I know he is" She reassured, giving Ginny a pointed look "I've foreseen it"

"I did not come this far and sacrifice so much only to give up on finding Aladdin" Jasmine told her.

The girl smiled reassuringly, "I know, and I won't leave your side until we do. I promise you, we will find him, Jasmine" She looked at the brunette at her side. "And we will find your lamp too, Ginnifer"

Jasmine looked reassured, smiling slightly, glancing at Ginny.

Ginny didn't react, looking back at them.

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