A Weekend, With The Host Club: The Coincidence Only Gets Worse.

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    Well while as you can see, the situation only gets worse. How? Well as Tamaki and I are hiding out in his room, fretting over blemishes, we get an unexpected call from The Twins. Apparently their whole foreheads have broken out in acne seemingly overnight. Hell began breaking loose when Tamaki started treating the disaster like a virus. That scared the hell out of The Twins and they actually started crying. This is all going on while I'm wearing a face mask and chatting with a few internet friends via private message. I had to dismiss myself quite a few times to comfort Tamaki as well and told The Twins to come over as well.
    When they arrived, they were in a frenzy as well, covering their head with baseball caps and hiding their ready eyes behind mirrored sunglasses. I comforted them once they came in but instead of thanking me they decided to begin poking fun at Tamaki and I! Laughing how they could at least cover the majority of their foreheads with their bangs, but with our zits on the practical centre of our faces there was no way we could hide them. Tamaki was extremely upset and started yelling at them for saying such cruel words but immediately stopped when The Twins alerter him of the fact that anxiety and anger can cause acne. To this, Tamaki went into a corner and whined over the fact that I should have never invited them.
    Obvious in poor "Daddy's" defence I shut the two antagonisers down by thwacking them in the back of their stupid heads and berating them, reminding them that we could help them or not. When asked how I could possibly help I notified them on the fact that acne is a virus so on that they were correct, which they were shocked to hear, but I also reminded them that my father owns a multiple medical facilities and we had quite a few remedies for pesky pimples.
    Tamaki hopped out of his corner and shook me like crazy, yelling and asking why I didn't bring up that fact sooner and waited hours. My response was simple, I liked pampering myself with him. It gave us some bonding time. Hahaha.
    Anywho, I phoned up an assistant to my father, asked her to gather four sets her best acne ointments and cream, gave her the address, and kindly asked her to drop it off. She was happy to help and did as I asked. Dropping of a few washes and ointments for the lot of us.
    Hopefully it works, I will keep you all posted.

Terrifyingly Strange Thoughts of the Cool Type: Part 3 ((closed/finished))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora